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You haven't entirely defined the problem, however, if distance is fixed, than velocity and time vary in an inverse relation to each other. How long does it take to travel one mile? The faster you travel, the less time it takes. So the relationship is inverse. More of one means less of the other. But only for a fixed distance. You could just as well imagine that you will travel for a fixed period of time. Then there is a direct relationship between speed and distance traveled. The faster you travel, the farther you will go.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 4w ago

The equation shows that distance, velocity, and time are directly related. This means that as velocity increases, the distance traveled in a given time also increases. Similarly, if the time taken to travel a certain distance increases, the velocity must also increase to cover that distance in the same amount of time.

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Q: Distance equals velocity x time.... the equation shows that velocity and time vary directly or inversely or neither?
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If an object is accelerating what equation relates the distance traveled by that object to the initial velocity final velocity and time?

The equation that relates the distance traveled by a constantly accelerating object to its initial velocity, final velocity, and time is the equation of motion: [ \text{distance} = \frac{1}{2} \times (\text{initial velocity} + \text{final velocity}) \times \text{time} ] This equation assumes constant acceleration.

How do you calculate distance when given velocity and weight?

To calculate distance with velocity and weight, you can use the equation for work: Work = Force x Distance. The force can be calculated by multiplying the weight with gravity. Velocity can then be used to determine the time it takes for the object to travel that distance using the equation Distance = Velocity x Time.

What kind of mathematical relationship exists between velocity and distance?

Velocity is the rate of change of distance over time. This relationship is described by the equation velocity = distance/time, where velocity is measured in units like meters per second, distance is measured in units like meters, and time is measured in units like seconds. As velocity increases, the distance covered in a given amount of time also increases.

How do you find the distance given only the initial velocity traveled time and final velocity?

You can use the equation: distance = (initial velocity + final velocity) / 2 * time. This formula assumes constant acceleration.

How do you develop the general velocity equation from a Velocity vs Time graph?

To develop the general velocity equation from a velocity vs. time graph, you can determine the slope of the graph at any given point, which represents the acceleration. Integrating the acceleration with respect to time gives you the velocity equation that relates velocity to time. The integration constant can be determined using initial conditions or additional information from the graph.

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The equation that shows how frequency is related to velocity and wavelength is: [frequency = \dfrac{velocity}{wavelength}]. This equation illustrates that frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength: as wavelength increases, frequency decreases and vice versa, while velocity remains constant.

Is distance directly proportional to velocity?

Distance Traveled is directly proportional to velocity. This is because velocity is the change in position over a period of time. The greater the velocity, the greater the distance traveled. For you calculus junkies, integrate velocity to get displacement.

What is the equation of velocity?

Velocity = Distance/Time V = d/t

If an object is accelerating what equation relates the distance traveled by that object to the initial velocity final velocity and time?

The equation that relates the distance traveled by a constantly accelerating object to its initial velocity, final velocity, and time is the equation of motion: [ \text{distance} = \frac{1}{2} \times (\text{initial velocity} + \text{final velocity}) \times \text{time} ] This equation assumes constant acceleration.

What is the equation used to find the velocity or speed of an object?

The equation used to find the velocity of an object is v = d/t, where v is the velocity, d is the distance traveled, and t is the time taken to travel that distance.

How do you calculate distance when given velocity and weight?

To calculate distance with velocity and weight, you can use the equation for work: Work = Force x Distance. The force can be calculated by multiplying the weight with gravity. Velocity can then be used to determine the time it takes for the object to travel that distance using the equation Distance = Velocity x Time.

What is the equation for calculating velocity?

V=distance divided by time

How do you write an equation for distance?

Distance= speed/ time D=V/t (capitals are important for distance and velocity

What does initial velocity squared plus 2 times acceleration times distance equal?

This equation represents the final velocity squared when an object is accelerating from an initial velocity over a certain distance. It is derived from the kinematic equation (v^2 = u^2 + 2as), where (v) is the final velocity, (u) is the initial velocity, (a) is the acceleration, and (s) is the distance traveled.

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You can find the distance using the equation: distance = (final velocity)^2 / (2 * acceleration). Square the final velocity, divide it by twice the acceleration to get the distance traveled before coming to a stop.

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It is inversely proportional to wave length.