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That wire is only good for low voltage wiring such as a doorbell or a thermostat any more would cause a fire.

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Q: How many amps is 18-2 copper wire safe for?
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How many amps will taken in sq mm copper wire?

10 amps

How many amps will a 2 0 wire carry?

If you mean 2/0 copper wire it is rated 175 amps. # 2 wire is 115 amps. If you are referring to 2.0 metric it is rated 15 amps.

What size wire do you need to run to an air conditioner that has a maximum breaker size of 40 amps and a minimum circuit size of 25.3 amps?

You would need to use a wire size that is rated for at least 40 amps to be safe and to meet the requirements of the air conditioner. A common wire size for this application would be 8 AWG copper wire, which is rated for 40 amps.

How many amps service does 12 gauge yellow wire hold?

The normal current capacity of 12 AWG copper wire is 20 amps.

How many automotive amps can 30 foot strand of copper wire carry?

The number of automotive amps a 30-foot strand of copper wire can carry depends on the gauge (thickness) of the wire. For example, a 30-foot strand of 10-gauge copper wire can typically carry up to 40-50 amps for automotive use, while a 30-foot strand of 12-gauge wire might be limited to around 25-30 amps. It's important to consult wire ampacity tables and consider factors like temperature and voltage drop to ensure safe and effective performance.

How many amps is a 14 AWG of 105 degree C wire rated for?

14 AWG of 105 degree Celsius copper wire is rated for twenty-five amps.

How many amps for 14 wire how many amps for 12 wire?

A 14-gauge wire can typically carry up to 15 amps of current, while a 12-gauge wire can handle up to 20 amps. It's important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and electrical codes when determining the maximum current for a specific wire size.

How many amps can a 2.5 sq mm wire conduct?

It will taken 8 amps <<>> The conversion of 2.5 sq mm wire to AWG is equal to a #12 wire. The ampacity of a #12 copper wire with an insulation factor of 90 degrees C is 20 amps.

How many amps is 10-2 romex safe for?

10-2 Romex wire is typically rated for 30 amps when used in residential applications. However, the actual safe amperage will depend on the specific installation, local electrical code requirements, and the circuit protection devices employed. It is essential to consult a licensed electrician to ensure proper and safe usage.

How many amps is 8 gauge wire 12 volts DC good for?

Generally 40 amps continuous or 50 amps surge is safe.

How many amps will taken by 1sq mm alluminium wire?

1 mm2 aluminium wire is not easy to buy but 1 mm2 copper wire is rated at 10 amps. Since the conductivity of aluminium is 7/12 that of copper, 1 mm2 aluminium wire would be rated at 7½ amps max (the same amount of heat is produced per metre by a current of sqrt(7/12) times that for copper).

What wire size is good for 100 amps?

# 4 copper wire short distance.