100 crores is 1 Arab. 1000 crores is 10 arab. 10000 crores - 1 kharab.
There are 5 digits in the number 10000.
8 digits will generate over 40,000 permutations.
7.5 billion = 750 crores
8 digits.
10000 of them
100 crores is 1 Arab. 1000 crores is 10 arab. 10000 crores - 1 kharab.
100 crores = 10000 lakhs
None. But, if the question was about ten crores, then the answer is nine.
10000 crores
There are 5 digits in the number 10000.
100 billion = 100*109 = 1011 1 crore = 107 So number of crores in 100 billion = 1011/107 = 1011-7 = 104 = 10000
it equals to 100 crores.
It is 10000.If you meant ONLY 2 digits alike, then it is 10023.