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With 10 digit palindromes, the last 5 digits are the same as the first 5 digits in reverse, eg 12345 54321. So it comes down to how many 5 digit numbers are there?

They are the numbers "10000" to "99999", a total of 99999 - 10000 + 1 = 90000.

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Q: How many ten digit palindromes are there?
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How many 5 digit palindromes are there?

900 This explains it. A positive integer is a palindrome if it reads the same forward and backwards such as 1287821 and 4554. Determine the number of 5-digit positive integers which are NOT palindromes. We start by counting the total number of 5 digit positive integers. The first digit is between 1 and 9, so we have 9 choices. Each of the other 4 digits can be anything at all (10 choices for each). This gives us 9(10)4 = 90000 five-digit positive integers. Now we need to count the number of 5 digit palindromes. Again, we have 9 choices for the first digit and 10 choices for each of the next two. The tens and units digits however are fixed by our choices so far. Therefore, there are only 900 five-digit palindromes. Therefore, the total number of five-digit positive integers which are not palindromes is 90000-900 = 89100.

How many 3-digit palindromes are there?

All sequences of the form XYX or XXX are palindromes: thus 000, 010, 020 … through 090, and again for every other digit (101, 111, 121, … 191). There are ten of these for each digit, none of which repeat, so 100 total. Please note that WikiAnswers is not here to do your homework for you. If this question is from work you have been assigned by a teacher or professor, I suggest you do the work yourself instead, which will help to increase your understanding of the subject matter and help you to become more familiar with it.

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Any, and every, number can be transformed into a palindrome.