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Q: A digraph is a graph with exactly two vertices. true or false?
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How do you write digraph in a sentence?

You can use the word "digraph" in a sentence like this: "A digraph is a combination of two letters representing one sound, such as 'sh' in 'ship'."

Difference between a directed graph and an undirected graph in a computer program?

In an undirected graph, an edge is an unordered pair of vertices. In a directed graph, an edge is an ordered pair of vertices. The ordering of the vertices implies a direction to the edge, that is that it is traversable in one direction only.

What is subgraph in given graph?

If all the vertices and edges of a graph A are in graph B then graph A is a sub graph of B.

How can i use a graph to find the number of vertices in a octagonal pyramid?

To find the number of vertices in an octagonal pyramid using a graph, you can represent the pyramid as a 3D shape with vertices, edges, and faces. An octagonal pyramid has 8 vertices, one at the top (apex) and 8 at the base. You can also draw a graph with each vertex representing a corner of the pyramid and each edge representing a line connecting two vertices. By counting the number of vertices in the graph representation, you can determine that an octagonal pyramid has a total of 9 vertices.

What is a drawing graph?

A drawing of a graph or network diagram is a pictorial representation of the vertices and edges of a graph. This drawing should not be confused with the graph itself: very different layouts can correspond to the same graph. In the abstract, all that matters is which pairs of vertices are connected by edges.

What is an adjacency matrix?

An adjacency matrix is a matrix showing which vertices of a graph are adjacent to which other vertices.

Can polynomials with the same graph have different roots?

False! If the graph is exactly the same, then the x-intercepts will be the same which implies the roots are them same. However, you can have the same roots and different graphs. So while the first statement is true, the converse if not.

Can there be a graph with 8 vertices and 29 edges?


How many minimum edges in a Cyclic graph with n vertices?

The term "cyclic graph" is not well-defined. If you mean a graph that is not acyclic, then the answer is 3. That would be the union of a complete graph on 3 vertices and any number of isolated vertices. If you mean a graph that is (isomorphic to) a cycle, then the answer is n. If you are really asking the maximum number of edges, then that would be the triangle numbers such as n (n-1) /2.

What is the largest number of vertices in a graph with 35 edges if all vertices are of degree at least 3?


What is the largest number of vertices in a graph with 35 edges if all vertices are?

36 vertices if all of them are or order two except one at each end.

Is a knight's graph with 64 vertices pen traceable?

Yes, it is.