

Best Answer

18 Chairs into equal rows -

6 x 3

2 x 9

18 x 1

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Q: All the ways to arrange 18 chairs in equal rows?
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How does knowing all the ways to arrange 18 chairs in equal rows help you find the factors of 18?

Think of the chairs as arrays. The dimensions of the arrays give you the factors of 18.

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1 row of 100 chairs. 2 rows of 50 chairs. 4 rows of 25 chairs. 5 rows of 20 chairs. 10 rows of 10 chairs. 20 rows of 5 chairs. 25 rows of 4 chairs. 50 rows of 2 chairs. 100 rows of 1 chair. Or you could put them all in one big circle.

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How does knowing ways to arrange 18 chairs in equal rows help you find the factors of 18?

The number of rows and the number of chars in that row give you the factor pairs of 18. If you list the number of rows when the 18 chairs can be arranged in rows with an equal number in each row, then this list is the factors of 18. 18 chairs can only be arranged in: 1 row of 18 chairs (1 × 18 = 18) 2 rows of 9 chairs (2 × 9 = 18) 3 rows of 6 chairs (3 × 6 = 18) 6 rows of 3 chairs (6 × 3 = 18) 9 rows of 2 chairs (9 × 2 = 18) 18 rows of 1 chair (18 × 1 = 18) The factors of 18 are thus: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18.

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Four ways:1 row with 6 in each row.2 rows with 3 in each row.3 rows with 2 in each row.6 rows with 1 in each row.

How many ways can you arrange 36 squares in equal rows?

2 rows of 18 squares3 rows of 12 squares4 rows of 9 squares6 rows of 6 squares9 rows of 4 squares12 rows of 3 squares18 rows of 2 squares36 rows of 1 squareI would not count "1 row of 36 squares", because you only have a single row that cannot equal another row (there is only one rowafter all). If this is for homework, I would state your reasoning for excluding (or including) that set. Count all the options up, and you have 8 different ways you can arrange the rows with the exclusion.

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You can have: 1 row of 36 2 rows of 18 3 rows of 12 4 rows of 9 or 6 rows of 6, so in total there are 5 ways.

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If you include a row or column of 1, the answer is 4: 1 by 6, 2 by 3, 3 by 2, and 6 by 1.

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Two ways only. 4 rows with 25 stamps each or 5 rows with 20 stamps each.

You have 24 juice cans. show all the ways you can arrange these cans into arrays..?

You can show 24 cans in one row, 12 cans in 2 rows, 8 cans in 3 rows, and 6 cans in 4 rows.