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Yes. To name a few: Radius (the distance from the center of a circle to the edge) Rate (a percent representing interest in finances) Reflexive property (a=a) Reflection ("flipping" a shape across a line)

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Q: Are there any Math Terms that stert with R?
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What are some math terms that begin with the letter R?

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What are math terms that start with the letter r?

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Oh, dude, expressing "r" in terms of "c" and "pi" is like a walk in the park... if the park was full of math nerds. You just divide "c" by 2pi, and boom, there's your radius. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

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A lower case "r."

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Pi r 2. Pi is a numerical constant roughly 3.142. r is the radius of a circle. 2 in this case is the square of the radius. All this adds up to the area of a circle. Area=Pi x (radius squared)

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