It is possible.
3/15 has a prime numerator (3) but can be simplified to 1/5.
True, honey! If either the numerator or the denominator of a fraction is a prime number, then the fraction is already in its simplest form because prime numbers can only be divided by 1 and themselves. So, no need to simplify further, darling!
Same as a proper fraction. You check whether you can divide numerator and denominator by the same number.
You multiply the denominator by the whole number, then add the numerator of the original fraction to get the numerator of your new fraction. The denominator stays the same as the original. Then you simplify into lowest terms.
Knowing factors will help you find a GCF. To simplify a fraction, divide the numerator and the denominator by their GCF.
Yes I can. I would divide the numerator and the denominator of that fraction each by 125 .
To simplify a fraction using prime numbers, find the prime factors of both the numerator and denominator. Then, divide the numerator and denominator by their common prime factors. Repeat this process until there are no common prime factors left. The resulting fraction will be simplified to its simplest form.
"7" is a prime number. But you can simplify 7/14, 7/21,/7/28, and so on. Answer: If the denominator is also a multiple of the prime number, then the fraction can be simplified; otherwise, it cannot. To simplify any fraction, the numerator and denominator must have a factor in common, as in the examples above.
No. To simplify a fraction the numerator and denominator must have a common factor greater than 1.
Since the numerator of the fraction is prime, and the denominator is not an integer multiple of the numerator, the proper fraction 29/38 is already expressed in its simplest form.
Since the numerator of the fraction is prime, and not a prime factor of the denominator, the proper fraction 13/69 is already expressed in its simplest form.
When the numerator and the denominator are co-prime: that is, their highest common factor is 1.
Since the numerator of the fraction is prime, and not a factor of the denominator, the proper fraction 19/21 is already expressed in its simplest form.
True, honey! If either the numerator or the denominator of a fraction is a prime number, then the fraction is already in its simplest form because prime numbers can only be divided by 1 and themselves. So, no need to simplify further, darling!
That is correct. It is easier to simplify the fraction before multiplying all the factors in the numerator and the denominator.That is correct. It is easier to simplify the fraction before multiplying all the factors in the numerator and the denominator.That is correct. It is easier to simplify the fraction before multiplying all the factors in the numerator and the denominator.That is correct. It is easier to simplify the fraction before multiplying all the factors in the numerator and the denominator.
Since the numerator of the fraction prime, it is impossible to reduce the proper fraction 3/8 any further than it is already reduced.
Since the numerator of the fraction is prime, and is not a factor of the denominator, the proper fraction 19/36 cannot be simplified any further.
To simplify a fraction, the numerator and denominator must both be divisible by the same number (factor).Divide the numerator and the denominator by their GCF (greatest common factor). For example, to simplify the fraction 14/49, divide the numerator and the denominator by 7 to obtain the simplified fraction 2/7.In the simplest form of a fraction, the numerator and denominator are relatively prime or co-prime, i.e. they have no common prime factors, their GCF is 1.