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35 mph = 56.33 kph = 15.65 m/s = 51.33 ft/s

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Q: Convert 35mi h to a km h b m s and c ft s?
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How do you convert 18 cubic inches into square feet?

You don't. You either A) convert 18 cubic inches into cubic feet, or B) convert 18 square inches into square feet. A... there are 1728 cubic inches in a cubic foot, so 18 cu in would be 0.00104 cu ft. B... there are 144 square inches in a square foot, so 18 square inches would be 0.125 sq ft.

How many square feet are in an 18' by 22' by 16' triangle?

I assume you want the area of a triangle with side lengths 18 ft, 22 ft and 16 ft. Given the sides of a triangle, its area is given by: area = √(s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)) Where s is the semi-perimeter, ie s = ½(a + b + c) or triangle with sides 18 ft, 22 ft 16 ft, area is: s = ½(18 + 22 + 16) ft = 28 ft → area = √(28(28 - 18)(28 - 22)(28 - 16)) ft² = √3360 ft² ≈ 57.97 ft²

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The area of a trapezoid is equal to (1/2)(B + b)h]. In our case B = 10 ft, b = 8 ft, and h = 5 ft, So A = (1/2)(B + b)h = (1/2)(10 + 8)(5) = 45 ft^2

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Approx 7.075 km.

What is the dimension of a 45 sq ft area with 36 ft perimeter?

Suppose the area is a rectangle of length L ft and breadth B ft, so that L > B > 0. Then Perimeter = 36 ft => L + B = 18 so that L = 18 - B Then Area = 45 sq ft = L*B = (18 - B)*B B2 - 18B + 45 = 0 => (B - 3)*(B - 15) = 0 So B = 3 => L = 15 or B = 15 => L = 3 Then L>B => Length = 15 ft, Breadth = 3 ft All this assumes the area is a rectangle. It could, however, be an ellipse, or some other shape.

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The Spirit Bomber flies at Mach 0.85 (487 knots, 560 mph, 900 km/h) when it is at an altitude of 40,000 ft.

When do you convert a fraction into a decimal?

In general, the only way is long division. To convert a/b, divide a by b.

What is the area of the square if one side is a-b ft?

(a - b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2 square ft

What dimensions should you make a box to give you 1.75 cubic feet?

There are an infinite number of options: 1 ft x 1 ft x 1.75 ft 1 ft x 2 ft x 0.875 ft etc. Or 0.5 ft x 1 ft x 3.5 ft 0.5 ft x 2 ft x 1.75 ft In fact, pick any two positive numbers, a and b and let c = 1.75/(a*b) Then a box with dimensions a, b and c will give you 1.75 cubic feet. Suppose a = 1000 ft and b = 0.7 ft then c = 1.75/(1000*7) = 0.00025 ft

C program to solve tan series?

1.display your name on the monitor screen. in a distance in km and display it in km and meters eg 47.45km would convert to 47 km , 450 meters write code to solve the following equation x = squareroot of asq - bsq the values of a and b to be float read from the keyboard

What is the dimension of five rectangles that have perimeter of 50 feet?

1 ft * 24 ft 1.1 ft * 23.9 ft 1.2 ft * 23.8 ft 1.3 ft * 23.7 ft 12.4 ft * 12.6 ft In fact if 0 < B < 12.5 ft and L = 25 - L ft then any rectangle with breadth B and length L will have a 50 ft perimeter.

where can I buy or rent a KM-470-B angular torque gauge?

You can purchase this from the following site : for about $470.