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Q: Did they use the Fibonacci sequence for the mona Lisa?
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The sixth number of the Fibonacci sequence?

The 6th number of the Fibonacci sequence is 8.0 + 0 = 00 + 1 = 11 + 1 = 21 + 2 = 32 + 3 = 53 + 5 = 8Notice how it is the 6th equation meaning its the 6th Fibonacci number.Note that some people like to use 1 twice instead of 0.

Who is Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci?

He is a famous mathematician, He created the numbers we use today. He wrote a book also, called, Liber Abbaci. Meaning 'Book of Calculating'. He created a sequence. You can find this sequence in many places, Mostly in nature. You can also find Fibonacci numbers in nature. You can find Fibonacci in the human body too. The sequence is 1 + 1 = 2 1 + 2 = 3 2 + 3 = 5 3 + 5 = 13 You take the last two numbers and add them to get a new number and add those two this sequence never stops. Most people cannot recite the first 20 Fibonacci Numbers. This will help you find the correct answer if you try it and do not get these numbers you did something wrong. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368...You Welcome for this answer if you have trouble or any corrections please contact me. My user name is South031796. If you have any concerns or additions please tell me I am doing this for Science Fair and need to know any further information. Thank You South031796

Write a javascript program for Fibonacci series?

I did this as an answre to some common js questions , the question wasWrite a function which will return you first two times 1, then 2, then 3, then 5 and so on (Fibonacci numbers). Don't use any global variables.var fibonacci = (function () {var arr = [0, 1];return function () {var num = arr[arr.length - 1],len = arr.length;arr.push(arr[len - 1] + arr[len - 2]);return num;};}());//testvar i;for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {console.log(fibonacci());}//1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55

What is the use of Fibonacci series in nature?

Turns up in many things - the leaves of a fern, the spirals in pinecones, the nautilus shell chambers etc

How do you use a arithmetic sequence to find the nth term?

The difference between successive terms in an arithmetic sequence is a constant. Denote this by r. Suppose the first term is a. Then the nth term, of the sequence is given by t(n) = (a-r) + n*r or a + (n-1)*r

Related questions

How do you use the Fibonacci sequence in a job?

You use the sequence in making robots and programing computers.

How do plants use Fibonacci?

the numbers branches, stems, petals coincide with the Fibonacci sequence.

How do you use the Fibonacci sequence in the real world?

the bunnies :)

What style did Leonardo use to paint Mona Lisa?


Do you have any pictures of the mona Lisa?

Simply use a search engine of your choice using the keyword 'Mona Lisa'. You should come up with many pictures and websites based on the painting.

What technique does Da Vinci use in his painting The Mona Lisa?

acrylic paints

What did Leonardo Da'Vinci use to paint the Mona Lisa?

paint and a paint brush

What techniques did Leonardo da Vinci use to create the Mona Lisa?

your mom...... hahahaha

What techniques did Leonardo da Vinci use on the Mona Lisa?

perspective, detail, and symbolism

What style did Leonardo da Vinci use on the 'Mona Lisa'?

Italian High Renaissance.

What tools to draw mona Lisa did Leonardo use?

he used paint brushes and his note book

What will a be good painting parody for your idea Monapple Lisa?

Artist - Oleg Shchuplyak \ View in the Italian style Less International Art, Oleg Shchuplyak, Mona Lisa, Oleg Shuplyak, Art Surrealistas, Illusions Art, Art Parody, Italian Style, Art Digital Shuplyak - Mona Lisa