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Of course they do.

" We become what we think about"

- Earl Nightingale

" An man becomes what he thinks about all day"

Our thought control everything. Your thoughts are what you believe, why you react, how you see the world. Everything starts in the human brain. So the more we think about something the more we bring upon that into our reality.

For Example: In order to be rich one of things you have to do is think as if you are already a millionaire. You see the only difference between being poor and being rich is just one thing........................................What they think about each day!

Millionaire Poor

Serve people Man im poor

Im so wealthy I broker than i was yesterday

I have too much money Why am i so poor

I think im so rich Poverty is for me i guess

Money comes easy to me Poor me ....Im a poor person

I feel so rich why do i never have money

See the difference in thinking!

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Q: Do positive thoughts attract positive things?
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Like charges repel

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All of the metals attract and repel, but if a: negative and positive come together= attract positve and a negative come together= attract negative and negative come together= repel positive and positive come together= repel

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LOA stands for Law of Attraction, a concept that suggests positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. It implies that individuals can attract desired outcomes by focusing on them and maintaining a positive mindset.

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