

Does a circle have a circular base?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Does a circle have a circular base?
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Which shape has one circular base?

A cone or a hemisphere or circle

Why are circles and cylinders alike?

The circular base of a cylinder has the same properties as that of a circle.

What happens when you slice a sphere with a plane?

The sphere forms a circle in the plane. There are two bits of sphere which are spherical caps with a circular base.

What is the shape of the intersection of a cylinder and a plane that is perpendicular to the circular base?

not quite a cirlcel but an oblong circle.

What is the shape of sides of a cone?

In a right circular cone the base is a circle and the sloped side is a sector of a circle. For a general cone, they are an ellipse and a sector of an ellipse.

Why is circle called a circle?

it is called circle because it is circular. circular means smooth, rounded edges. a circle matches that description.

What is the surface area of a right circular cylinder with base circle of radius of 5M and height of the cylinder 10M?


How does the formula of the area of a circle relate to the volume of a cylinder?

The volume of a cylinder is its height times the area of its base. And the area of its base is the area of a circular shape.

How do you find an experimental value of pi?

The ratio of C to D will equal pi. This is based on the known formula for the circumference of a circle. D = Diameter of the circular base of a cylinder (independent) C = Circumference of the circular base of a cylinder (dependent)

What does the net of a cone look like?

a circle base with the sides rising up in a circular fashion meeting at one point

Does a right circular conehave a triangular as a base?

The answer is "No"; a right circular cone has a circle as its base while a right triangular cone has a triangular base (which we usually call a "pyramid". The Egyptian Pyramids have square bases. And the volume of any "right" pyramid is found by multiplying the area of its base by its VERTICAL height.

How are a sphere and a cone alike and different?

Spheres are spherical, with no base, and have no flat surfaces. Cones have a flat, circular base, with a circular altitude protruding from the edges of the circle. The altitude's diameter slowly diminishes until all edges reach eachother.