

Form an equation in x and solve?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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2x+3x=50 5x=50 x=10

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Q: Form an equation in x and solve?
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In its normal form, you do not solve differential equation for x, but for a function of x, usually denoted by y = f(x).

How do you solve for x using a quadratic equation?

For an equation of the form ax² + bx + c = 0 you can find the values of x that will satisfy the equation using the quadratic equation: x = [-b ± √(b² - 4ac)]/2a

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Solve the equation for x, and enter your answer in the box below.

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y = x - 7 or, y = 1*x - 7 so that the slope is 1.

How do you find slope intercept form out of a equation equal to x?

The simplest way is to change the subject of the formula so that it is in the form y = mx + c. There are alternatives, but a lot more work. Differentiate the equation equal to x, and solve for dy/dx (that is the slope). Substitute x = 0 in the original equation and solve for y (that is the intercept).

How can you determine the y- intercept if its not given directly?

The y-intercept (or y-intercepts) of an equation is where x = 0. Replace x with zero in the equation, and solve for y.The answer depends on what information you are given - and in what form. If the equation of the curve is given in polar coordinates or in parametric form, the process is quite different to that required when given the Cartesian equation.

How do you get the y intercept without having to draw a graph?

You can put the equation into slope-intercept form and the answer is right there, or you can put it in standard form and make the x coefficient and x "disappear" and solve the equation by dividing the number with y by the number on the other side of the equation.

What are you finding when you solve a quadratic equation?

You are finding the roots or solutions. These are the values of the variable such that the quadratic equation is true. In graphical form, they are the values of the x-coordinates where the graph intersects the x-axis.

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If you solve such an equation for "y", you get an equation in the slope-intercept form.

Do you solve x first in an algebra equation?

You need not have x in an algebraic equation. You solve whichever one is the easiest and that depends on the set of equations that you have.

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Set up the equation and solve: x + 5 = -13 (next subtract 5 from each side of the equation to solve for x) x = -18

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