If the two distributions can be assumed to follow Gaussian (Normal) distributions then Fisher's F-test is the most powerful test. If the data are at least ordinal, then you can use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test.
you just play you know right
You determine the similarity of two triangles through the equality of each two relevant lines and the equality of each relevant two interior angels.
If the two figures are the same shape. Also if the ratios of the lengths of the corresponding sides are equal.
efficiency variance, spending variance, production volume variance, variable and fixed components
In that you carry out exactly the same steps - AND you must determine the correct position of the decimal point.
total master-budget variances
Levene's test is used to assess whether the variances of two or more groups are equal. It is commonly employed in statistical analysis to determine if the assumption of homogeneity of variances is met, which is important for certain statistical tests such as the t-test and ANOVA.
should all variances be investigated
An F-test can be used for variances.
Ratios!! Compare the various ratios with last year's cash flow statement and balance sheet, and look at variances. Then determine why these variances have occurred. Also compare budgeted cash flow to actual cash flow and determine whether these were favorable or u favorable, and again determine why. Please note different industries have different norms for ratios, ie liquid ratio for car sales would be different to supermarket. Good to compare to industry average or like business to determine ratios are on track or way off. This can be used as a management tool to determine action for the following financial periods.
Adverse variances means unfavourable variance which is actual expenses are more than budgted variance.
They speak the same language and have very similar cultures. But, Montenegrins are typically darker in coloring than Serbs and there are enough variances in cultures that they are considered to be distinct peoples.
Equal variances, independent observations and normality
Price and quantity variances are computed respectively because different managers are usually responsible for buying and for using inputs.
yes. if the two figures are the same size and shape, then they are similar
Efficiency Varian materials and direct labor, the variances were recorded in specific general ledger accounts.
Momentum transfer or pressure variances.