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The m is the slope in the y=mx+b or the number before the x.

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Q: How do you find slope from equation ymx b?
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Write an equation of the line containing the given point and parallel to the given line. 3 -1 in parenthess 9x -7y 4 Simplify type in the from of ymx b. Thank?

This is simple algebra. You should know that parallel lines have the same slope. So you would take the slope of the line that is given to you and set it up in the equation y= mx + b. m stand for your slope and you would take the point that it gives you (3, -1) and plug it into y = mx + b (along with your slope) and solve for b..once you've solved for b, you can set up your equation because you know your slope (m) and y-intercept (b). If you are having trouble finding the slope, just solve the equation for y. Get y on one side of the equation. The number that is with x will be your slope. Good luck!

What is the equation of the line containing the points (0, 0), (-3, -9), and (9, 27)?

you should know this Find the difference of the y values over the difference in your x values to find the slope. Put it into the slope intercept form of the equation with one of the points substituted in and find the intercept. Rewrite the equation with the slope and the intercept. (-9-0)/(-3-0)=-9/-3=3 The slope. 27=3(9)+b 27=27+b 0=b Equation-> y=3x

How do you find the right bisector of a triangle?

For triangle ABC, find the midpoint of side BC. Then, find the slope of side BC and use its negative reciprocal (since the negative reciprocal slope is the slope of the right bisector joining side BC and the opposite vertex). Finally, substitute the midpoint and negative reciprocal slope into the y=mx+b equation to get "b", then write the equation. :)

How do you figure out slope in the equation y equals 12x 6?

This equation is in the slope-intercept form, y = mx + b, where the coefficient of x, m, is the slope and b is the y-intercept. Thus, in the equation y = 12x + 6, the slope is 12.

What is first step in graphing using slope intercept form of an equation?

Plot the y-axis, which is the b in the y=mx+b in the slope intercept equation. Then, you put your slope and plot the line.

Related questions

The equation of a line in slope intercept form is ymx plus b where m is the slope of the line?

If you mean: y = mx+b then the slope of the line is m and the y intercept is b

Which letter represents the y-intercept in the slope-intercept equation of a line ymx b?

If you mean: y = mx+b then m is the slope and b is the y intercept.

How do you use the slope and y- intercept in the equation ymx b to graph the line?

If you mean: y = mx+b then it is the formula for a straight line equation whereas m is the slope and b is the y intercept

What is slope in ymx b?


What letter represents the y intercept in the slope intercept equation of a line ymx plus b?

If you mean y = mx+b then the slope is m and the y intercept is b

Why is the equation ymx b called the slope-intercept form?

y=m*x+b is called the slope-intercept form because it describes a line where m is the slope and b is the point on the y-axis that the line intercepts.

Why cant you find ymx b to find the equation of a vertical line?

Because in a vertical line the slope is undefined, there is no "y" answer or "b" value and the line is in the form of x = some number such as x = 3 which is a vertical line.

What is the 'y' in ymx b?

If you mean: y = mx+b then m is the slope and b is the y intercept

How do you find a slope to a equation?

the slope formula is y=mx+b slope-intercept form of an equation of a line. where m=slope and b=the y-intercept

An equation often written in ymx b?

You're talking about y=mx+b which is the standard line equation.

What is the y-coordinate in ymx b?

If you mean: y = mx+b then m is the slope and b is the y intercept

What does 'C' indicate in the law of mechanics and the equation it is in is ymx c.?

y=mx+b is the slope intercept Answer C normally refers to the speed of light in mechanical equations involving velocity or energy.