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For the equation of any graph. The graph intercepts the y-axis, when x is zero, so in the equation, substitute x=0, and solve for y. To find the x-intercept, this is when y is zero, so substitute y=0, and solve for x.

For a parabola, if the highest power of y is the 1st power (no exponent) and the highest power of x is 2, then the parabola opens up or down. The parabola will have 1 y-intercept (usually it is the constant value), and depending on where it is (if it is at the origin, it is also an x-intercept, and the other x-intercept has the same distance as y-intercept has from the axis of symmetry i.e y = a2x + bx), either have 2 x-intercepts, or no interceptions with the x-axis (i.e. y = x2 + c, c ≥ 0 or y = -x2 + c, c ≤ 0).

If the highest power of y is 2, and highest power of x is 1, then it opens left or right, and it may have none or 2 y-intercepts, and will have 1 x-intercept.

So when you're solving for the one that's a quadratic, if you come up with imaginary or complex roots, that means there is no intercept.

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Q: How do you find y and x intercept of parabola?
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How do you find the y intercept when given a parabola in standard form?

At any point on the y-axis, the x-coordinate is zero. In the equation of the parabola, set x=0. Tidy it up, and you have " Y = the y-intercept ".

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If you know the equation, you just plug in x = 0 and solve.

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Consider a parabola described by the expression y = ax2 + bx + c first, calculate it's first and second derivatives: y' = 2ax + b y'' = 2a Find x value at which y' = 0, and calculate whether the corresponding y-coordinate is above or below the x-axis. If it's above the x-axis, then the parabola will not intercept the x-axis if y'' is greater than 0. If it's below the x-axis, then the parabola will not intercept the x-axis if y'' is less than 0. Otherwise, it will always intercept the x axis at two locations.

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To solve for intercepts on a straight line graph put the equation in the form y=mx+c where c is the y-intercept and you have the y intercept. Now to solve x-intercept set y=0 eg y=2x+5 0=2x+5 2x=-5 x=-2.5 For intercepts on other forms of graphs eg parabola y-intercept= make x equal to 0 and solve x-intercept= make y equal to 0 and solve

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solve the x and you find the y

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To find the y intercept put zero in for x and solve. To find the x intercept put zero in for y and solve. (0,8) and (-8,0)

What is the definition of graph intercept?

The intercept of a graph is the point where is crosses one of the coordinate axes. The x intercept is where it crosses the x axis, the y intercept where it crosses the y axis. If the graph is given as y equals a function of x, it is usually easier to find the y intercept, because that is where x is 0. You just plug in 0 for x and evaluate. To find the x intercept, you plug in 0 for y and then you have to solve an equation for x. This is fairly easy if it is a linear equation (the graph is a straight line), somewhat harder for a quadratic (a parabola). But anyway you only asked for a definition, and I have given it.

How do you find x intercept?

to find the y-intercept you plug in your x and y values in to the equation of y=mx+b. b is the y intercept and m is the slope. To find the x-intercept, set y = 0, and find value of x that satisfies the equation. If it is a line in the form y=mx+b, then the x-intercept will be at x= -b/m

What is the x-intercept and y-intercept of the equation y equals -x-1?

To find the x-intercept, plug 0 in for y: 0 = -x-1, so x = -1. To find the y-intercept, plug zero in for x: y=-0-1, so y = -1 The x-intercept is (0,-1) and the y-intercept is (-1,0)

How do you find x and y intercepts?

if you are looking at a graph the y intercept is when the graph crosses the y axis and the x intercept is when the graph crosses the x axis. if you have a formula... plug zero in for x to find the y intercept, and plug zero in for y to find the x intercept

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To find the y-intercept, plug 0 in for x: 3y = -12 y = -4To find the x-intercept, plug 0 in for y: 2x = -12 x = -6The y-intercept is y = -4, and the x-intercept is x = -6.

How do you find the x-intercept from a table?

You look for the value of 0 in the y column, and find out what x has to be for y=0. This value of x is you x-axis intercept. (Reverse "x" and "y" in the above description to find the y-intercept, if there is one).