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Just like you graph about any function: Pick some values for x, calculate the corresponding values for y, plot the points, join in a smooth curve.

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Q: How do you graph polynomial functions with degree greater than 2?
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What can the degree of a polynomial tell you about the graph?

The degree is equal to the maximum number of times the graph can cross a horizontal line.

What is the equation of a nonlinear graph if a is greater than 5?

There are infinitely many options. The equation could be a polynomial of degree greater than 1, or it could be a power function, a log function or any combination of these with trig functions. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that there is no clue in the question as to what a stands for.

What is the line graph in which the data points do not fallalong a straight line?

A non-linear graph. It could be a polynomial (of a degree greater than 1), a power function, a logarithmic or trigonometric graph. In fact any mathematical function other than a linear equation.

How do you do a parabola?

A parabola is a graph of a 2nd degree polynomial function. Two graph a parabola, you must factor the polynomial equation and solve for the roots and the vertex. If factoring doesn't work, use the quadratic equation.

How do you find the factors of polynomails function of degree greater than 20?

With difficulty. Plot a graph of the polynomial and see where it crosses the x axis. If it does, then y=0 at that point, and (x-a) is a factor. Sometimes you might spot where the polynomial is zero just by trying various values.

What does the s shaped line in the graph indicate?

That it is non-linear. If it is a graph of a polynomial, it would need to be a polynomial of odd order. But it could be the graph of the tangent function, or a combination of reciprocal functions over a limited domain. In fact the s shaped line, by itself, indicates very little.

How does the parity evenness oddness of a polynomial functions degree affect its graph?

An even function is symmetric about the y-axis. The graph to the left of the y-axis can be reflected onto the graph to the right. An odd function is anti-symmetric about the origin. The graph to the left of the y-axis must be reflected in the y-axis as well as in the x-axis (either one can be done first).

How do you graph a polynomial in order to solve for the Zeros?

Either graph the polynomial on graph paper manually or on a graphing calculator. If it is a "y=" polynomial, then the zeroes are the points or point where the polynomial touches the x-axis. If it is an "x=" polynomial, then the zeroes are the points or point where the polynomial touches the y-axis. If it touches neither, then it has no zeroes.

How can the graph of a fourth degree polynomial have its only x intercepts 0 1 and 2?

Easy. Same thing as the graph of f(x) = x^2 + 1 which have NO intercept.

What do the zeros of a polynomial function represent on a graph?

The zeros of a polynomial represent the points at which the graph crosses (or touches) the x-axis.

Can the graph of a polynomial function have no x-intercept?

Yes, over the real set of numbers. For example, the graph of y=x2+1 is a regular parabola with a vertex that is one unit above the origin. Because the vertex is the lowest point on the graph, and 1>0, there is no way for it to touch the x-axis.NOTE: But if we're considering imaginary numbers, the values "i" and "-i" would be the zeroes. I'm pretty sure that all polynomial functions have a number of zeroes equal to their degree if we include imaginary numbers.

Are a polynomial's factors the values at which the graph of a polynomial meets the x-axis?
