If we assume all the numbers to the left of the decimal point are the same, we would start by looking at each number after the decimal from left to right. If there is a difference in number at any time, whichever has the highest number is the larger.
0.44567 and 0.44282
In each number the first two numbers after the decimal are the same (4 and 4), but the third is different. The first number has a 5 and the second number a 2, so the first number is larger. Once the first number of difference is established, the remaining numbers to the right have no bearing on which is the larger number.
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5.08 is bigger than 5.079
4.3 is bigger than 4.0
0.86 is bigger than 0.68
No a decimal is smaller than a whole number.
The decimal 1.5 is bigger than 1.05