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Q: How do you round 0.4 into two digits?
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How do you round to nearest 100?

if the last two digits are lesser than 50 (e.g. 8634), you round down by making the last two digits 0 (in this case, 8600).If the last two digits are greater than 50 (e.g. 8662), you round up by adding 1 to the hundreds and making the last two digits 0 (in this case, 8700).If the last two digits are exactly 50, you can round up or down, your choice.

How do you round 2B1 into two digits?

2B1 is not a normal number.

How do you round 272.0 to two significant digits?

272.0 rounds to 270

How do you round 10499 off to two significant digits?

1.0 x 10^4

What is the syntax for the ROUND function in MS Excel?

=ROUND(Number, Number of Digits) Number is the number you are trying to round. Number of Digits is the amount of digits you want to round it to. So for example: =ROUND(41.98662,3) That will give you 41.987 as the answer.

How do you round 5358 to the nearest hundred?

Looking at the final two digits, as it is 58, it will round the next digit up to give 5400.

how do i round 850 to the nearest hundred?

900 When rounding to the nearest hundred, like we did with 850 above, we use the following rules: A) We round the number up to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 50 or above. B) We round the number down to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 49 or below. C) If the last two digits are 00, then we do not have to do any rounding, because it is already to the hundred.

How do you round 3.412 to two significant digits?

It is: 3.4 because .01 is less than .05

How do you round off 12.4263?

It depends on the number of digits accuracy required. Round off to: 3 digits: 12.426 2 digits: 12.43 1 digit: 12.4 Round number: 12

Do you round single digits?

If necessary.

When was 'Round the Wheel created?

Round the Twist was created on 1989-04-04.

How do you round 278879 to the nearest hundred?

278879 rounded to the nearest hundred - is 278900. The last two digits (79) are greater than 50 so you round up.