0.21 is 21 hundredths written as a decimal.
0.44 (If you have hundredths, you need to have 2 numbers after the decimal point.)
Thirty-five millionths.
It is written 2.25. Two is in the whole number place followed by 25 hundredths.
Because it is a decimal we say hundredths not hundreds
five-hundredths = 0.05
9.98 is written as nine and ninety-eight hundredths.
Written form: one thousand, two hundred and fifty and forty-seven hundredths.
Whole numbers are not written as decimals, except to indicate the accuracy of measurement (e.g. 7500.0).
5 hundredths is greater. Whether the numbers are written as decimals or fractions, or in some other base is totally irrelevant.
Three hundredths = 0.03
0.21 is 21 hundredths written as a decimal.