

Best Answer

AAH to exclaim in delight

AAL East Indian shrub

AAS [AA] (rough, cindery lava)

ABA sleeveless garment

ABO aborigine {offensive}

ABS [ab] (abdominal muscle) {OSPD3}

ABY to pay the penalty for (abye)

ACE to make a perfect shot

ACT to perform by action

ADD to perform addition

ADO bustle

ADS [ad] (advertisement)

ADZ cutting tool (adze)

AFF off

AFT toward the stern

AGA Turkish military officer

AGE to grow old

AGO in the past

AGS [ag] (agriculture) {OSPD4}

AHA intj. expressing sudden realization

AHI tuna {OSPD4}

AHS [ah] (to exclaim in amazement) {OSPD4}

AID to help

AIL to suffer pain

AIM to point in a direction

AIN Hebrew letter (ayin)

AIR to broadcast

AIS [ai] (three-toed sloth)

AIT small island

ALA wing

ALB long-sleeved vestment

ALE alcoholic beverage

ALL everything one has

ALP high mountain

ALS [al] (East Indian tree)

ALT high-pitched note

AMA Oriental nurse (amah)

AMI friend

AMP unit of electric current strength (ampere)

AMU atomic mass unit

ANA collection of information on a subject

AND added condition

ANE one

ANI tropical American black cuckoo

ANT small insect

ANY one or another

APE to mimic

APO type of protein {OSPD4}

APP computer program (application) {OSPD4}

APT appropriate

ARB stock trader

ARC to travel a curved course

ARE unit of surface measure/conj. of be

ARF dog's bark

ARK large boat

ARM to supply with weapons

ARS [ar] (letter 'r')

ART skill acquired by experience

ASH tree/to burn into ashes

ASK to question

ASP venemous snake

ASS donkey

ATE reckless impulse driving one to ruin

ATT Laotian monetary unit {OSPD3}

AUK diving seabird

AVA at all

AVE expression of greeting

AVO monetary unit of Macau

AWA away

AWE to inspire with awe

AWL pointed punching tool

AWN bristlelike appendage of certain grasses

AXE to cut with an axe

AYE affirmative vote

AYS [ay] (affirmative vote)

AZO containing nitrogen

BAA [baa] (to bleat)

BAD something bad

BAG to put into a bag

BAH intj. expressing disgust

BAL type of shoe (balmoral)

BAM to strike with a dull sound

BAN to prohibit/Rumanian coin

BAP small roll {OSPD3}

BAR to exclude

BAS [ba] (eternal soul in Egyptian mythology)

BAT to hit a baseball

BAY to howl

BED to provide with a bed

BEE winged insect

BEG to plead

BEL unit of power

BEN inner room

BES Hebrew letter (Beth) {OSPD4}

BET to wager

BEY Turkish ruler

BIB to drink alcohol

BID to make a bid

BIG large

BIN to store in a bin

BIO biography

BIS [bi] (bisexual)

BIT to restrain with a bit

BIZ business

BOA large snake

BOB to move up and down

BOD body

BOG to impede

BOO to deride

BOP to hit

BOS [bo] (pal)

BOT botfly larva

BOW to bend forward at the waist

BOX to put into a box

BOY male child

BRA brassiere

BRO brother {OSPD3}

BRR intj. used to indicate coldness (brrr)

BUB young fellow

BUD to grow buds

BUG to annoy

BUM to live idly

BUN small bread roll

BUR to remove a rough edge from (burr)

BUS to transport by bus

BUT flatfish

BUY to purchase

BYE free advance to next tournament round

BYS [by] (side issue)

CAB to drive a taxi

CAD ungentlemanly man

CAM rotating machine part

CAN to be able/to put into a can

CAP to put a cover onto

CAR automobile

CAT to anchor to a cathead

CAW to caw like a crow

CAY small low island

CEE letter 'c'

CEL drawn frame of animation {OSPD3}

CEP large mushroom (cepe)

CHI Greek letter

CIG cigarette {OSPD4}

CIS having certain atoms on same side of molecule

COB corncob

COD to fool

COG to cheat at dice

COL depression between two mountains

CON to swindle

COO to make the sound of a dove

COP to steal

COR intj. expressing surprise

COS lettuce variety

COT lightweight bed

COW to intimidate

COX to direct a racing boat (coxswain)

COY shy/to caress

COZ cousin

CRU French wine classification {OSPD4}

CRY to weep

CUB young of certain animals

CUD food portion to be chewed again

CUE to signal a start

CUM together with

CUP to place into a cup

CUR mongrel dog

CUT to make an incision

CWM circular basin with steep walls (cirque)

DAB to touch lightly

DAD father

DAG hanging shred

DAH dash in Morse code

DAK transportion by relay

DAL lentil dish

DAM to build a dam

DAN skill level in Martial Arts {OSPD4}

DAP to dip into water

DAW to dawn

DAY 24 hours

DEB debutante

DEE letter 'd'

DEF excellent {OSPD4}

DEL differential calculus operator

DEN to live in a lair

DEV Hindu god (deva)

DEW to wet with dew

DEX sulfate used as stimulant

DEY former North African ruler

DIB to fish

DID [do-conj] (to execute)

DIE to cease living/to make a die

DIF difference {OSPD4}

DIG to scoop earth from the ground

DIM obscure/to make obscure

DIN to make a loud noise

DIP to immerse briefly

DIS to disrespect {OSPD3}

DIT dot in Morse code

DOC doctor

DOE female deer

DOG to follow after like a dog

DOL unit of pain intensity

DOM title given to certain monks

DON to put on

DOR black European beetle

DOS [do] (first tone of diatonic musical scale)

DOT to cover with dots

DOW to prosper

DRY having no moisture/prohibitionist/to make dry DUB to confer knighthood upon

DUD bomb that fails to explode

DUE something owed

DUG teat, udder

DUH intj. expressing patent obviousness of a preceding statement {OSPD4}

DUI [duo-pl] (instrumental duet)

DUN of a dull brown color/to demand payment

DUO instrumental duet

DUP to open

DYE to color

EAR hearing organ

EAT to consume

EAU water

EBB to recede

ECU old French coin

EDH Old English letter

EDS [ed] (education) {OSPD4}

EEK intj. expressing fright {OSPD4}

EEL snakelike fish

EFF letter 'f' (ef)

EFS [ef] (letter 'f')

EFT newt

EGG to throw eggs at

EGO conscious self

EKE to get with great difficulty

ELD old age

ELF small, often mischievous fairy

ELK large deer

ELL letter 'l'

ELM deciduous tree

ELS [el] (letter 'l')

EME uncle

EMF electromotive force {OSPD3}

EMS [em] (printer's measurement)

EMU large, flightless bird

END to terminate

ENG phonetic symbol

ENS entity

EON long period of time (aeon)

ERA chronological period (epoch)

ERE previous to; before

ERG unit of work or energy

ERN erne

ERR to make a mistake

ERS European climbing plant (ervil)

ESS letter 's' (es)

ETA Greek letter

ETH Old English letter (edh)

EVE evening

EWE female sheep

EYE organ of sight/to watch closely

FAB fabulous/something fabricated {OSPD4}

FAD passing fancy

FAG to make weary by hard work

FAN to use a fan to cool

FAR at or to a great distance

FAS [fa] (fourth tone of diatonic musical scale)

FAT obese/to make fat

FAX to reproduce by electronic means

FAY to join closely

FED federal agent

FEE to pay a fee to

FEH Hebrew letter (pe)

FEM passive homosexual

FEN marsh

FER for

FES [fe] (Hebrew letter-feh) {OSPD4}

FET to fetch

FEU to grant land to under Scottish feudal law

FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number

FEY crazy

FEZ brimless cap worn by men in the Near East

FIB to tell a white lie

FID topmast support bar

FIE intj. expressing disapproval

FIG to adorn

FIL coin of Iraq, Jordan

FIN to equip with fins

FIR evergreen tree

FIT healthy/to be suitable for

FIX to repair

FIZ hissing or sputtering sound

FLU virus disease

FLY clever/to hit a ball high into the air in baseball/to move through the air

FOB to deceive

FOE enemy

FOG to cover with fog

FOH intj. faugh

FON warm, dry wind (foehn)

FOP to deceive

FOR directed or sent to

FOU drunk

FOX to outwit

FOY farewell feast or gift

FRO away

FRY to cook over direct heat in hot fat or oil

FUB to fob

FUD old-fashioned person

FUG to make stuffy

FUN to act playfully

FUR to cover with fur

GAB to chatter

GAD to roam about restlessly

GAE to go

GAG to prevent from talking

GAL girl

GAM to visit socially

GAN [gin-conj] (to begin)

GAP to make an opening in

GAR to compel

GAS to supply with gas

GAT pistol

GAY merry/homosexual

GED food fish

GEE to turn right

GEL to become like jelly

GEM to adorn with gemstones

GEN knowledge obtained by investigation {OSPD3}

GET to obtain

GEY very

GHI liquid butter made in India (ghee)

GIB to fasten with a wedge

GID disease of sheep

GIE to give

GIG to catch fish with a pronged spear

GIN to begin/to remove seeds from cotton

GIP to gyp

GIT intj. used as an order of dismissal

GNU large antelope

GOA Asian gazelle

GOB to fill a pit with waste

GOD to treat as a god (a supernatural being)

GOO slimy stuff

GOR intj. used as a mild oath

GOS [go] (Japanese board game) {OSPD4}

GOT [get-conj] (to obtain)

GOX gaseous oxygen

GOY non-Jewish person

GUL design in oriental carpets

GUM to chew without teeth

GUN to shoot with a gun

GUT to remove the guts of

GUV governor

GUY to ridicule

GYM large room for sports activities

GYP to swindle

HAD [have-conj] (to possess)

HAE to have

HAG to hack

HAH ha

HAJ pilgrimage to Mecca (hadj)

HAM to overact

HAO Vietnamese monetary unit

HAP to happen

HAS [ha] (sound expressing triumph)

HAT to provide with a hat

HAW to turn left

HAY to make into hay

HEH Hebrew letter (heth)

HEM to add an edge to

HEN female chicken

HEP hip

HER objective or possessive case of the pronoun she

HES [he] (male person)

HET Hebrew letter (heth)

HEW to cut with an ax

HEX to cast an evil spell upon

HEY intj. used to attract attention

HIC intj. used to represent a hiccup

HID [hide-conj] (to conceal)

HIE to hurry

HIM objective case of the pronoun he

HIN Hebrew unit of liquid measure

HIP aware of the most current styles and trends/to build a type of roof

HIS possessive form of the pronoun he

HIT to strike

HMM intj. expressing thought

HOB to provide with hobnails

HOD portable trough

HOE to use a hoe

HOG to take more than one's share

HON honeybun

HOP to move by jumping on one foot

HOT having a high temperature/to heat

HOW method of doing something

HOY heavy barge

HUB center of a wheel

HUE color

HUG to grasp with both arms

HUH intj. expressing surprise

HUM to sing without words

HUN barbarian

HUP intj. used to mark a marching cadence

HUT to live in a hut

HYP hypochondria

ICE to cover with ice

ICH fish disease

ICK intj. expressing distaste

ICY covered with ice

IDS [id] (part of psyche)

IFF if and only if {OSPD3}

IFS [if] (possible condition)

IGG to ignore {OSPD4}

ILK kind

ILL evil

IMP to graft feathers onto a bird's wing

INK to apply ink to

INN to house at an inn

INS [in] (influence)

ION electrically charged atom

IRE to anger

IRK to annoy

ISM doctrine

ITS possessive form of [it]

IVY climbing vine

JAB to poke

JAG to cut unevenly

JAM to force together tightly

JAR to cause to shake

JAW to jabber

JAY corvine bird

JEE to turn right (gee)

JET to fly in a jet

JEU game

JEW to bargain with {offensive}

JIB to refuse to proceed further

JIG to bob

JIN Muslim supernatural being (jinn)

JOB to work by the piece

JOE fellow

JOG to run slowly

JOT to write down quickly

JOW to toll

JOY to rejoice

JUG to put into a jug

JUN coin of North Korea

JUS legal right

JUT to protrude

KAB ancient Hebrew unit of measure

KAE crow-like bird

KAF Hebrew letter (kaph)

KAS large cupboard/pl. of ka

KAT evergreen shrub

KAY letter 'k'

KEA parrot

KEF marijuana

KEG small barrel

KEN to know

KEP to catch

KEX dry, hollow stalk

KEY to provide with a key

KHI Greek letter (chi)

KID to tease

KIF marijuana (kef)

KIN group of related people

KIP to sleep

KIR alcoholic beverage

KIS [ki] (vital life-sustaining energy force) {OSPD4}

KIT to equip

KOA timber tree

KOB reddish brown antelope

KOI large Japanese carp {OSPD3}

KOP hill

KOR Hebrew unit of measure

KOS land measure in India

KUE letter 'q'

KYE private Korean-American banking club {OSPD4}

LAB laboratory

LAC resinous substance secreted by insects

LAD boy

LAG to fall behind

LAM to flee

LAP to drink with the tongue

LAR Roman tutelary god

LAS [la] (sixth tone of diatonic musical scale)

LAT former Latvian monetary unit

LAV lavatory

LAW to sue

LAX not strict or stringent

LAY to place

LEA meadow

LED [lead-conj] (to show the way)

LEE shelter from the wind

LEG to walk hurriedly

LEI flower necklace

LEK Albanian monetary unit

LET to rent

LEU monetary unit of Rumania

LEV Bulgarian monetary unit

LEX law

LEY lea

LEZ lesbian

LIB liberation

LID to provide with a lid

LIE to become horizontal/to tell untruths

LIN waterfall (linn)

LIP to touch with the lips

LIS [li] (Chinese unit of distance)

LIT [light] (to illuminate)/former Lithuanian monetary unit (litas)

LOB to throw in a high arc

LOG to cut down trees for timber

LOO to subject to a forfeit at the card game loo

LOP to chop off

LOT to distribute proportionately

LOW close to the ground/to make the sound of cattle

LOX to supply with lox (liquid oxygen)

LUG to pull with effort

LUM chimney

LUV sweetheart

LUX unit of illumination

LYE solution used to make soap

MAC raincoat

MAD insane/to madden

MAE more

MAG magazine

MAN adult human male/to supply with men

MAP to draw a map

MAR to destroy the perfection of

MAS [ma] (mother)

MAT to pack into a dense mass

MAW to mow

MAX maximum {OSPD3}

MAY to have permission/to gather flowers during Spring

MED medical

MEG megabyte {OSPD4}

MEL honey

MEM Hebrew letter

MEN [man] (adult human male)

MET [meet-conj] (to make the acquaintance of)

MEW to meow

MHO unit of electrical conductance

MIB playing marble

MIC microphone {OSPD4}

MID middle

MIG playing marble

MIL unit of length

MIM primly demure

MIR Russian peasant commune

MIS [mi] (third tone of diatonic musical scale)

MIX to combine

MOA extinct flightless bird

MOB to crowd about

MOC soft leather heelless shoe (moccasin) {OSPD3}

MOD one who wears boldly stylish clothes

MOG to move away

MOL unit of quantity in chemistry (mole)

MOM mother

MON man

MOO to make the sound of a cow

MOP to wipe with a mop

MOR forest humus

MOS [mo] (moment)

MOT witty saying

MOW to cut down grass

MUD to cover with mud

MUG to assault with intent to rob

MUM to act in disguise

MUN man

MUS [mu] (Greek letter)

MUT mutt

MYC gene that regulates other genes {OSPD4}

NAB to capture

NAE no; not

NAG to find fault incessantly

NAH no

NAM [nim-conj] (to steal)

NAN Indian flat round leavened bread {OSPD3}

NAP to sleep briefly

NAW no

NAY negative vote

NEB bird beak

NEE born with the name of

NEG photographic negative {OSPD4}

NET to catch in a net

NEW existing only a short time/something that is new

NIB to provide with a penpoint

NIL nothing

NIM to steal

NIP to bite quickly

NIT insect egg

NIX to veto/water sprite

NOB wealthy person

NOD to move the head downward

NOG strong ale/to fill space with bricks

NOH classical drama of Japan

NOM name

NOO now

NOR and not

NOS [no] (negative reply)

NOT in no way

NOW present time

NTH pert. to item number n

NUB protuberance

NUN woman belonging to a religious order

NUS [nu] (Greek letter)

NUT to gather nuts

OAF clumsy person

OAK hardwood tree

OAR to row with oars

OAT cereal grass

OBA hereditary African chief {OSPD4}

OBE African sorcery (obeah)

OBI African sorcery (obeah)

OCA South American herb

ODA harem room {OSPD4}

ODD one that is odd/unusual

ODE lyric poem

ODS [od] (hypothetical force of natural power)

OES [oe] (Faroean wind)

OFF to kill

OFT often

OHM unit of electrical resistance

OHO intj. expressing surprise

OHS [oh] (to exclaim "oh")

OIL to supply with oil

OKA Turkish unit of weight

OKE Turkish unit of weight (oka)

OLD individual of a specified age/living or existing for a relatively long time OLE shout of approval

OMS [om] (mantra used in meditation)

ONE number 1

ONO large mackerel {OSPD4}

ONS [on] (side of wicket in cricket)

OOH to exclaim in amazement

OOT out

OPE to open

OPS [op] (style of abstract art)

OPT to choose

ORA [OS-pl] (orifice)

ORB to form into a sphere

ORC marine mammal (orca)

ORE mineral or rock containing valuable metal

ORS [or] (heraldic color gold)

ORT table scrap

OSE ridge of sand (esker)

OUD stringed instrument of northern Africa

OUR belonging to us

OUT to be revealed

OVA [ovum-pl] (female reproductive cell)

OWE to be under obligation to pay

OWL nocturnal bird

OWN to possess

OXO containing oxygen

OXY containing oxygen

PAC shoe patterned after a moccasin

PAD to line with padding

PAH intj. used as an exclamation of disgust

PAL to hang around with as friends

PAM jack of clubs

PAN to criticize harshly

PAP soft food for infants

PAR to shoot par on a hole

PAS [pa] (father)

PAT to touch lightly

PAW to scrape at with a paw

PAX ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity

PAY to give money in order to buy something

PEA edible seed of an annual herb

PEC pectoral muscle {OSPD3}

PED natural soil aggregate

PEE to urinate {offensive}

PEG to nail (a wooden pin)

PEH Hebrew letter (pe)

PEN to write

PEP to fill with energy

PER for each

PES foot/pl. of pe (Hebrew letter)

PET to caress with the hand

PEW bench for seating people in church

PHI Greek letter

PHT intj. used as an expression of mild anger or annoyance

PIA brain membrane

PIC photograph

PIE to pi

PIG to bear pigs (cloven-hoofed mammals)

PIN to fasten with a pin

PIP to break through the shell of an egg

PIS [pi] (Greek letter)

PIT to mark with cavities or depressions

PIU more used as a musical direction

PIX container for the Eucharist (pyx)

PLY to supply with or offer repeatedly

POD to produce seed vessels

POH intj. expressing disgust

POI Hawaiian food

POL politician

POM English immigrant in Australia {offensive}

POP to make a sharp, explosive sound

POT to put into a pot

POW explosive sound

POX to infect with syphilis

PRO argument or vote in favor of something

PRY to inquire impertinently into private matters

PSI Greek letter

PST intj. used to attract attention (psst) {OSPD4}

PUB tavern

PUD pudding

PUG to fill in with clay or mortar

PUL coin of Afghanistan

PUN to make a pun (a play on words)

PUP to give birth to puppies

PUR to purr

PUS viscous fluid formed in infected tissue

PUT to place in a particular position

PYA copper coin of Burma

PYE book of ecclesiastical rules in the pre reformation English church

PYX container for the Eucharist

QAT evergreen shrub (kat)

QIS [qi] (vital life-sustaining energy force) {OSPD4}

QUA in the capacity of

RAD to fear

RAG to scold

RAH intj. used to cheer on a team or player

RAI style of popular Algerian music {OSPD4}

RAJ dominion; sovereignty

RAM to strike with great force

RAN [run-conj] (to move by rapid steps)

RAP to strike sharply

RAS Ethiopian prince

RAT to hunt rats (long-tailed rodents)

RAW uncooked/sore or irritated spot

RAX to stretch out

RAY to emit rays

REB Confederate soldier

REC recreation

RED of the color red/to put into order

REE female Eurasian sandpiper

REF to referee

REG regulation

REI erroneous form of former Portuguese coin

REM quantity of ionizing radiation

REP cross-ribbed fabric

RES thing or matter

RET to soak in order to loosen the fiber from the woody tissue

REV to increase the speed of

REX animal with a single wavy layer of hair/king

RHO Greek letter

RIA long, narrow inlet

RIB to poke fun at

RID to free from something objectionable

RIF to lay off from employment

RIG to put in proper condition for use

RIM to provide with a rim (an outer edge)

RIN to run or melt

RIP to tear or cut apart roughly

ROB to take property from illegally

ROC lengendary bird of prey

ROD to provide with a rod

ROE mass of eggs within a female fish

ROM male gypsy

ROT to decompose

ROW to propel by means of oars

RUB to move along the surface of a body with pressure

RUE to feel sorrow or remorse for

RUG to tear roughly

RUM alcoholic liquor/odd

RUN to move by rapid steps

RUT to make ruts (grooves) in

RYA Scandinavian handwoven rug

RYE cereal grass

SAB to sob

SAC pouchlike structure in an animal or plant

SAD unhappy

SAE so

SAG to bend or sink downward from weight or pressure

SAL salt

SAP to weaken gradually

SAT [sit-conj] (to rest on the buttocks)

SAU xu

SAW to cut or divide with a saw

SAX saxophone

SAY to utter

SEA ocean

SEC secant

SEE to perceive with the eyes

SEG advocate of racial segregation

SEI large whale (rorqual)

SEL self

SEN monetary unit of Japan

SER unit of weight of India

SET to put in a particular position

SEW to mend or fasten with a needle and thread

SEX to determine the sex of

SHA intj. used to urge silence (shh)

SHE female person

SHH intj. used to urge silence

SHY timid/to move suddenly back in fear

SIB sibling

SIC to urge to attack

SIM simulation

SIN to commit a sin

SIP to drink in small quantities

SIR respectful form of address used to a man

SIS sister

SIT to rest on the buttocks

SIX number 6

SKA Jamaican music

SKI to travel on skis

SKY to hit or throw toward the sky

SLY crafty

SOB to cry with a convulsive catching of the breath

SOD to cover with sod (turf)

SOL fifth tone of diatonic musical scale (so)

SOM Kyrgyzstan monetary unit {OSPD4}

SON male child

SOP to dip or soak in a liquid

SOS [so] (fifth tone of diatonic musical scale)

SOT habitual drunkard

SOU former French coin

SOW to scatter over land for growth, as seed

SOX [sock-pl] (knitted or woven covering for the foot)

SOY soybean

SPA mineral spring

SPY to watch secretly

SRI mister; sir used as a Hindu title of respect

STY to keep in a pigpen

SUB to act as a substitute

SUE to institute legal proceedings against

SUK marketplace (souk) {OSPD4}

SUM to add into one total

SUN to expose to the sun

SUP to eat supper

SUQ marketplace (souk) {OSPD3}

SYN syne

TAB to name or designate

TAD small boy

TAE to

TAG to provide with a tag

TAJ tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries

TAM tight-fitting Scottish cap

TAN brown from the sun's rays/to convert hide into leather by soaking in chemicals

TAO path of virtuous conduct according to a Chinese philosophy

TAP to strike gently

TAR to cover with tar

TAS [ta] (thanks)

TAT to make tatting

TAU greek letter

TAV Hebrew letter

TAW to convert into white leather by the application of minerals

TAX to place a tax on

TEA beverage made by infusing dried leaves in boiling water

TED to spread for drying

TEE to place a golf ball on a small peg

TEG yearling sheep

TEL ancient mound in the Middle East

TEN number 10

TET Hebrew letter (teth)

TEW to work hard

THE article used to specify or make particular

THO though

THY possessive form of the pronoun thou

TIC involuntary muscular contraction

TIE to fasten with a cord or rope

TIL sesame plant

TIN to coat with tin

TIP to tilt

TIS [ti] (seventh tone of diatonic musical scale)

TIT small bird

TOD British unit of weight

TOE to touch with the toe

TOG to clothe

TOM male of various animals

TON unit of weight

TOO in addition

TOP to cut off the top

TOR high, craggy hill

TOT to total

TOW to pull by means of a rope or chain

TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy

TRY to attempt

TSK to utter a scolding exclamation

TUB to wash in a tub

TUG to pull with force

TUI bird of New Zealand

TUN to store in a large cask

TUP to copulate with a ewe

TUT to utter an exclamation of impatience

TUX tuxedo

TWA two

TWO number 2

TYE chain on a ship

UDO Japanese herb

UGH sound of a cough or grunt

UKE ukulele

ULU Eskimo knife

UMM intj. expressing hesitation (um)

UMP to umpire

UNS [un] (one)

UPO upon

UPS [up] (to raise)

URB urban area

URD annual bean grown in India

URN type of vase

URP to vomit {OSPD4}

USE to put into service

UTA large lizard

UTE utility vehicle {OSPD4}

UTS [ut] (musical tone)

VAC vacuum cleaner

VAN large motor vehicle

VAR unit of reactive power

VAS anatomical duct

VAT to put into a vat

VAU Hebrew letter (vav)

VAV Hebrew letter

VAW Hebrew letter (vav)

VEE letter 'v'

VEG vegetable

VET to treat animals medically

VEX to annoy

VIA by way of

VID video {OSPD4}

VIE to strive for superiority

VIG charge paid to a bookie on a bet (vigorish)

VIM energy

VIS force or power

VOE small bay, creek, or inlet

VOW to make a vow

VOX voice

VUG small cavity in a rock or lode

VUM intj. expressing surprise {OSPD4}

WAB web

WAD to form into a wad

WAE woe

WAG to move briskly up and down or to and fro

WAN to become wan/unnaturally pale

WAP to wrap

WAR to engage in war

WAS [be-conj] (to exist)

WAT hare/wet

WAW Hebrew letter (vav)

WAX to coat with wax

WAY method of doing something

WEB to provide with a web

WED to marry

WEE short time/very small

WEN benign skin tumor

WET soaked with a liquid/to make wet

WHA who

WHO what or which person or persons

WHY reason or cause of something

WIG to provide with a wig

WIN to be victorious/to winnow

WIS to know

WIT intelligence/to know

WIZ wizard

WOE tremendous grief

WOG dark-skinned foreigner

WOK cooking utensil

WON to dwell

WOO to seek the affection of

WOP Italian {offensive}

WOS [wo] (woe)

WOT to know

WOW to excite to enthusiastic approval

WRY contorted/to contort

WUD insane

WYE letter 'y'

WYN rune for 'W' (wynn)

XIS [xi] (Greek letter)

YAG synthetic garnet {OSPD4}

YAH intj. used as an exclamation of disgust

YAK to chatter

YAM plant having an edible root

YAP to bark shrilly

YAR yare

YAW to deviate from an intended course

YAY to this extent

YEA affirmative vote

YEH yeah

YEN to yearn

YEP yes

YES to give an affirmative reply to

YET up to now

YEW evergreen tree or shrub

YID Jew {offensive}

YIN feminine passive principle {Chinese}

YIP to yelp

YOB hoodlum

YOD Hebrew letter

YOK boisterous laugh

YOM day

YON yonder

YOU 2d person sing. or pl. pronoun

YOW to yowl

YUK to laugh loudly

YUM intj. expressing tasteful pleasure

YUP yep

ZAG to turn sharply

ZAP to kill or destroy

ZAS [za] (pizza) {OSPD4}

ZAX tool for cutting roof slates

ZED letter 'z'

ZEE letter 'z'

ZEK inmate in a Soviet labor camp

ZEP long sandwich {OSPD4}

ZIG to turn sharply

ZIN zinfandel {OSPD3}

ZIP to move rapidly

ZIT pimple

ZOA [zoon-pl] (whole product of a fertilized egg)

ZOO place where animals are kept for public exhibition

ZUZ ancient Hebrew silver coin {OSPD4}

ZZZ intj. representing the sound of snoring {OSPD4}

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Q: How many 3 letter combinations can be made using the English alphabet?
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How many 9 letter combinations using 26 alphabet letters?

3,124,550 possible combinations

What is the maximum number of different three letter palindromes you can make using any letter of the alphabet?

The maximum number of different three letter palindromes that can be made using any letter of the alphabet is 1 - that letter repeated 3 times. However, if you meant you can pick any letter for each letter of the palindrome, then: The first and last letters are the same and there is a choice of 26 letters for them; For each choice for the first (and last) letter, there is a choice of 26 letters for the second letter Making a total of 26 × 26 = 676 such three letter palindromes (where case of the letter does not matter).

How many possible unique alpha numeric combinations are there using all letters for 4 characters?

im assuming that any charcter can be a number or a letter: (24letters*10 possible numbers)^(4 digits)= 3317760000 possible combinations.

How many possible alpha numeric combinations are there using all letters for 4 characters?

With a Latin alphabet of 26 letters and the 10 digits 0...9, and allowing for repeats, you get: 36^4 = 36 × 36 × 36 × 36 = 1,679,616 combinations. If you were to include both lower and upper case characters, the number of possible combinations goes up (due to 26 lower case letters + 26 upper case letters + 10 digits = 62 characters to choose from): 62^4 = 14,776,336.

How may possi le alpha numeric combinations are there using all letters for 5 characters?

There are only alphabetic combinations since there are no numeric characters in letters.The answer assumes thatyou mean the modern Roman alphabet,letters may not be repeatedupper case and lower case letters are considered to be the same,you did mean combinations and not permutations.Then the answer is 26C5 = 26*25*24*23*22/(5*4*3*2*1) = 65,780

Related questions

How many 9 letter combinations using 26 alphabet letters?

3,124,550 possible combinations

How many combinations can you make with 2 letters?

Assuming you are using the standard English alphabet, the number of combinations you can make are: 26 x 26 = 676 combinations.

What kind of alphabet do they use in new zealand?

Standard English 26-letter alphabet is used in new Zealand. Maori language is now written using the English alphabet but consisting of only fifteen characters.

How do you sign your surname in American Sign Language?

To sign your surname in American Sign Language (ASL), fingerspell each letter of your surname using the ASL alphabet. Each letter is formed with your dominant hand using specific handshapes and motions corresponding to the English alphabet.

How do you pronounce the witches alphabet?

The witches alphabet, also known as the Theban alphabet, is pronounced using its corresponding English letter sounds. There is no universal pronunciation guide for the Theban alphabet since it is based on letter correspondences and not phonetics. It is best to familiarize yourself with the alphabet's symbols and practice pronouncing them accordingly.

How many eight letter combinations can you make using the twenty six letters of the alphabet wihtout using the same letters over?

26*25*24*23*22*21*20*19 = 62,990,928,000

Why do court houses use a V instead of the U Like Covrt Hovse?

Because it is spelled using the Latin alphabet rather than the English alphabet. The Latin alphabet does not include the letter U.

The Phoenicians developed an alphabet using only symbols which became the basis of our alphabet today.?


How many three letter combinations can you make using the twenty six letters of alphabet?

ab abcabcdabcdeabcdefabcdefgabcdefghabcdefghiabcdefghijabcdefghijkabcdefghijkl 26 times 26abcdefghijklm it equals 676 so 676abcdefghijklmn alphabetical factorsabcdefghijklmnoabcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopqabcdefghijklmnopqrabcdefghijklmnopqrsabcdefghijklmnopqrstabcdefghijklmnopqrstuabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

How do you say pretty girl using the English alphabet?

You don't speak with the English alphabet. You write with it. It would be written: pretty girl.

How do you write 'many' in Greek using English alphabet?


What script is used for the English language?

The English language is written using the Latin alphabet.