Number of 7 digit combinations out of the 10 one-digit numbers = 120.
It depends. If you can only use each number once, there are 720 combinations. If you can use numbers multiple times, then there are 1000 combinations, by using all numbers from 000 to 999.
You can make 5 combinations of 1 number, 10 combinations of 2 numbers, 10 combinations of 3 numbers, 5 combinations of 4 numbers, and 1 combinations of 5 number. 31 in all.
Since the order of the digits does not matter there are only five combinations: 1234, 1235, 1245, 1345 and 2345.
Number of 7 digit combinations out of the 10 one-digit numbers = 120.
There are 125970 combinations and I am not stupid enough to try and list them!
It depends. If you can only use each number once, there are 720 combinations. If you can use numbers multiple times, then there are 1000 combinations, by using all numbers from 000 to 999.
252 combinations, :)
You can make 5 combinations of 1 number, 10 combinations of 2 numbers, 10 combinations of 3 numbers, 5 combinations of 4 numbers, and 1 combinations of 5 number. 31 in all.
Since the order of the digits does not matter there are only five combinations: 1234, 1235, 1245, 1345 and 2345.
There are 8,592,039,666 combinations of 6 numbers out of 138 numbers, like the numbers from 1 to 138.
There are 252 combinations.
There are 12,033,222,880 of them.