I have a feeling that I'm wrong but i guess that 2 planes can pass through 2 points
Only one plane can pass through 3 non-collinear points.
Infinitely many planes may contain the same three collinear points if the planes all intersect at the same line.
That is a plane.Any one of infinitely many planes.
exactly one and only one.
exactly nine planes! * * * * * I would have said 4 - corresponding to the four faces of a tetrahedron. Of course, non-collinear does not mean non-coplanar so all four points could be in the same single plane!
Infinitely many planes.
Nonee !
There are an infinite number of planes that pass through a pair of points. Select any plane that passes through both the points and then rotate it along the line joining the two points.
One.exactly one
Only one.
Exactly one.
Infinitely many.
just one
Infinitely many if the 3 distinct points are collinear. Otherwise just 1.