The decimal number system uses 10 different symbols to represent a number. The 10 different symbols are 0 to 9. It is a base 10 system unlike binary which is base 2 ( 0 and 1).
One lakh fifty thousand written in figures is 1,50,000. In the Indian numbering system, a lakh is equal to 100,000, so one lakh fifty thousand is equivalent to 150,000 in the standard numbering system used in many other countries.
A duodecillion is equal to 1 followed by 39 zeros in the short scale (American) numbering system. In the long scale (British) numbering system, a duodecillion is equal to 1 followed by 72 zeros. Therefore, in the short scale system, there are 39 zeros in a duodecillion.
The beauty of metric system is that it is decimal. 0.51cm = 5.1mm
In the Indian numbering system, one lakh is equal to 100,000. Therefore, 4 lakh is equal to 400,000. There are four zeros in 400,000.
It is not known where the symbols in the Egyptian system were - probably in the minds of their mathematicians.
Ancient Egyptians did not have the concept of decimals; they did not even have the concept of zero.
16 16
The number system we commonly used, known as the decimal system, has 10 digits (0 to 9). It is possible to use other number systems, with a different number of digits. Any numbering system based on the same principle (the principle of place-value) must use 2 or more digits.
16 The current hexadecimal system was first introduced to the computing world in 1963 by IBM.
There are 16 symbols. The number of symbols is always the same as the base.
This is an Indian numbering system equal to 10 Million. Therefore 10,000,000. (7)
Latin was the language spoken by the Romans so the obvious Latin mathematical symbols would be the Roman numeral system. Many of our mathematical words such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, fraction, decimal, percentage, calculate ........ etc. come directly from the Latin language.
12 of them.