As there are 52 weeks in a year this is impossible. 24 weeks = 5 months and 3 weeks. 36 weeks = 8 months and 2 weeks.
It's not so impossible, if one has developed the ability to work with numbers
that are less than 1.
1 year = 365 days in an ordinary year, or 366 days in a leap year.
24 weeks = 168 days = 0.4603 ordinary year and 0.4590 leap year.
36 weeks = 252 days = 0.6904 ordinary year and 0.6885 leap year
(all decimals are rounded)
Which is greater 104 weeks or 3 years? ANSWER!!!!!!!!
6.67 times or 6 with remainder 24.
24 + 36 = 60
36 x 24 = 864
36 to 42 weeks is considered full-term. Anything before 36 weeks is considered premature. Preemies have all sorts of problems. Generally, the earlier the baby, the greater the risk of complications.
Being that there are 52 weeks in a year and 36 months is three years, the answer is 156 weeks.
36 times the number of weeks in a single year. A year has approximately 365.2422 days; divide that by 7 to get the number of weeks in a year.
52 weeks in a year, so 88/52 would be 1 year and 36 weeks or 1.692 years
12 +24 = 36 i guess you would be 36 years old.
52 times 36 equals 1,872, plus 17 equals 1,889.
Which is greater 104 weeks or 3 years? ANSWER!!!!!!!!
Yes, 104 weeks is two or three days shy of two years, and 36 months is three years.
There are 36 weeks in 252 days.
Approximately 36 weeks
36 days is one day more than 5 weeks.
36 years.36 years.36 years.36 years.36 years.36 years.36 years.36 years.36 years.36 years.36 years.
1 week = 7 days therefore 36 weeks = 252 days.