There is no relationship between the two.
A kilogram is a measure of mass. A decimal, on the other hand, is a representation of value in which each digit has a place value that is then times that of the digit to its right.
So 0.0013, 1.3, 13 and 13,000,000 are all decimals and none of them have any mass!
In most countries, you will use them when you handle money, as in $2.50. Quantities on products are also sometimes expressed in decimals, e.g. "1.5 kilograms" or "2.2 liters".
1.36 kilograms.1.36 kilograms.1.36 kilograms.1.36 kilograms.
106lbs is 48 (48.08079122) kilograms.
100 pounds = 45.359237 kilograms
45 pounds is 20.4 (20.41165665) kilograms.
Decimals are used in time,money,kilograms,litres,grams, petrol and many more but I haven't found out what they are yet but if I have I will write them on the site to you.
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In most countries, you will use them when you handle money, as in $2.50. Quantities on products are also sometimes expressed in decimals, e.g. "1.5 kilograms" or "2.2 liters".
This is a senseless question. Decimals have no weight. Decimals are not a even a measure of weight.
In general, you cannot. For example, 3.4 litres, or kilograms, or hectares cannot be converted to minutes.
In much the same way as anyone writes decimals.
1.36 kilograms.1.36 kilograms.1.36 kilograms.1.36 kilograms.
7.7110703 Kilograms
It is 51 kilograms.
It is 1.36 kilograms.
11.79 kilograms.