

Best Answer

Decimals are used in time,money,kilograms,litres,grams, petrol and many more but I haven't found out what they are yet but if I have I will write them on the site to you.

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Q: Where are decimals used?
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When are decimals used?

decimals are used when you have part of a whole for examle .362598798 is part of a whole

Are decimals used in probability?

Yes decimals are used in probability; also percent and odds.

How is fractions and decimals used in occupations?

decimals are used for prices like $2.95 fractions can be used for data

How are decimals used in sports?

there used

How do you use decimals in daily life?

Well, decimals can be used for voting.

Who first used decimals?

The Chinese were the first to use decimals. Decimals were developed and used in the 1st century B.C. in China and then spread to the Middle East and Europe.

What If decimals didn't exist?

Before decimals were invented, people used fractions.

Are millimeter measurements written in fractions or decimals?

Decimals are more commonly used.

How are decimals used for everyday situations?

When you are shopping or rounding decimals to the nearest price!

What are 5 ways to use decimals in everyday life?

Decimals are used when you are displaying a stop watch and time. Decimals are used you are counting money. They are used when gas stations display gas prices. They are used on receipts for purchases. They are also used when you are telling someone's weight.

How are decimals used in gas?


Is a ellipsis decimal rational?

Sometimes. Ellipses are used in repeating decimals like 7.4444... or 8.121212... to show that the pattern repeats forever. Repeating decimals are rational. Ellipses are also used in non-repeating, non-terminating decimals like pi = 3.14159... . Non-repeating, non-terminating decimals are irrational.