0 is a neutral number. zero is nor positive or negative because NEGITIVE being a number smaller than zero POSITIVE being a number bigger than zero so since zero isn't being smaller or bigger zero isn't positive or negative
It depends. If the positive is bigger, than it will be positive (-5+10=5 is the same as 10-5=5). If it is smaller than the negative, it will be negative (-10+5=-5 is the same as 5-10)
It depends. (a) a positive minus a smaller positive is positive, (b) a positive minus a positive of the same size is zero, and (c) a positive minus a bigger positive is negative. For example, (a) 8 - 6 = 2 (b) 8 - 8 = 0 (c) 8 - 11 = -3
Negative 6 is a bigger number than Negative 9 because Negative 6 is closer to zero, meaning that it is closer to becoming a positive whole number.
You can have negative fractions so it depends. it depends if you have a negative fraction you could have -1/2 but 1/2 is bigger than -1/2. negative numbers will always be smaller than positive numbers.
Any negative number is less than any positive number.
The Answer could be neither positive nor negative because the positivve could be bigger than the negative or the neagative could be bigger than the positive
the answer could be negative or positive depending on whether the negative number you're adding is bigger than the positive number
Positive numbers are larger than negative ones.
It is bigger
no, all negative numbers are smaller than positive numbers
sometimes... if the negative number is bigger than a positive number, than the answer is negative. if the positive number is bigger than a negative number, then the answer is positive. if they are the same, then the answer is zero. here is a helpful hint. -x+y is the same as y-x.
The answer to this is -4, or negative 4. A positive number minus a positive number bigger than it will always be negative.
If the decimal is positive, than a negative number is less than 0.