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Q: Is negative 4 meters bigger than positive 40 ft?
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Is negative 4 meters bigger than positive 40 feet?

Any negative number is less than any positive number.

What is negative subtracted by a positive?

The Answer could be neither positive nor negative because the positivve could be bigger than the negative or the neagative could be bigger than the positive

When you add a positive and a negative what does it become?

the answer could be negative or positive depending on whether the negative number you're adding is bigger than the positive number

Are negative numbers bigger or positive?

Positive numbers are larger than negative ones.

Is a positive number bigger or smaller than a negative number?

It is bigger

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Is a negative integer bigger then a positive integer?

no, all negative numbers are smaller than positive numbers

Is a negative number added by a postitive number a negative number?

sometimes... if the negative number is bigger than a positive number, than the answer is negative. if the positive number is bigger than a negative number, then the answer is positive. if they are the same, then the answer is zero. here is a helpful hint. -x+y is the same as y-x.

What is 5minus positive 9?

The answer to this is -4, or negative 4. A positive number minus a positive number bigger than it will always be negative.

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Is a negative number bigger than a positive number?


Is a negative number bigger than a decimal?

If the decimal is positive, than a negative number is less than 0.