it is 1.41421356
try it on a calculator
Every positive number has a square root. In fact,
every positive number has two of them.
There is a square root of any number, but the square root of most numbers is not a whole round number. The square root of 2 is 1.41421
No. The square root of two is an irrational number. If you multiply the square root of two by the square root of two, you get two which is a rational number.
The square root of two, while an irrational number, is indeed a square. It is the same as asking if the square root of 4 (2 X 2) a square (it is). By the way, the square root of two is approximately 1.41421356. Hope that helped!
The square root of 89 is halfway between the square root of 81 = 9 and the square root of 100 = 10. Rounded to two decimal places, the square root of 89 is equal to 9.43.
To simplify the square root of 5 times the square root of 6, you can multiply the two square roots together. This gives you the square root of (5*6), which simplifies to the square root of 30. Therefore, the simplified answer is the square root of 30.
Two is the square root of four. Yes. As 2 squared is 4, the square root of 4 is 2, if that is what your are asking.
The square root of two times the square root of two equals two
The square root of six divided by the square root of two equals the square root of three.
5 times the square root of two over 3 times the square root of two equals 5/3
If this is supposed to be a riddle, it's not a very good one. The square root of the number whose square root is two is, obviously, two.
Square root 64 and square root 81
The square root of 36 and the square root of 49.
The square root of four twenty-fifths, is two fifths, because of the fact that the square root of four is two and the square root of twenty-five is five.
No. The square root of two is an irrational number. If you multiply the square root of two by the square root of two, you get two which is a rational number.
-1,0,or 1 the negative square root of four is negative two and the square root of four is two
Square root of 64 and square root of 81, perhaps.
The square root of eight is in between the square root of 7 and the square root of 9, which equals 3.
The square root of two, while an irrational number, is indeed a square. It is the same as asking if the square root of 4 (2 X 2) a square (it is). By the way, the square root of two is approximately 1.41421356. Hope that helped!