

Log3 10 log3 x -13

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Log3 10 log3 x -13
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How do you solve this log x base 3 plus log x3 base 9 equal 0?

log3(x) + log9(x^3)=0 for any t >0 logt(x) = ln(x)/ln(t) so log9(x) = ln(x) / ln (9) = ln (x) / ( 2 * ln 3) = log3(x) /2 or log3(x) = 2 log9(x) log9(x^n) = n * log9(x) So log3(x) + log9(x^3) = log3(x) + 6 log3(x) = 7 log3(x) 7 log3(x) = 0 => log3(x) = 0 => x = 1

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There is not a solution. Knowing how logarithms work helps. On the right hand side you have: log3(2*x) + log3(0.5).Adding logs is equivalent to multiplying (inside the log). This becomes: log3(0.5 * 2*x) = log3(x).Subtract log3(x) from both sides: log3(7x) - log3(x) = 0.Subtracting logs is equivalent to division (inside the log): log3(7x/x) = 0.So log3(7) = 0, which is Not true. No Solution.

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log33+log3x +2=3 log33+log3x=1 log3(3x)=1 3x=3 x=1 Other interpretation: log33+log3(x+2)=3 log3(3(x+2))=3 3(x+2)=27 x+2=9 x=7

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log3 81 × log2 8 × log4 2 = log3 (33) × log2 (23) × log4 (40.5) = 3 × (log3 3) × 3 × (log2 2) × 0.5 × (log4 4) = 3 × 1 × 3 × 1 × 0.5 × 1 = 9 × 0.5 = 4.5

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log33+log3x +2=3 log33+log3x=1 log3(3x)=1 3x=3 x=1 Other interpretation: log33+log3(x+2)=3 log3(3(x+2))=3 3(x+2)=27 x+2=9 x=7

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3^(x) = 3^(x) = 50 Take logs base 10 (Calculator) of both sides log3^(x) = log50 xlog3 = log50 x = log50/ log3 (NOT log (50/3)) On the calculator x = 1.6987.../0.47712... x = 3.5608.... 50

What is the zero of the logarithmic function f(x) log3 (x-1)?

You need to solve the equation:log3(x-1) = 0 Taking antilogarithms (base 3) on both sides, you get: 3^log3(x-1) = 3^0 x-1 = 1 x = 2

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The expression x = log3(100) is equivalent to 3x = 100. One way to calculate logs with a base of (b) is: logb(y) = log(y) / log(b). So in this case, you would have log(100) / log(3) = 4.192 [rounded to 3 decimal places]