Lxi h,c050
mov a,m
mvi b,01
mvi c,00
l2:sub b
jc l1
inr c
inr b
inr b
jmp l2
l1:mov a,c
sta c060
write it in 8085
RST 5.5 is an interrupt request pin (pin 9) on the 8085. It is sampled, along with other interrupt requests, one clock cycle before ALE on the falling edge of CLK. When enabled, and having priority, it causes an interrupt vector sequence using the RST 5.5 instruction, going to location 002CH.
The four ways to clear the accumulator in the 8085 are...XRA AMVI A,0SUB ALDA {address of a zero}Answered By:KUNAL SINHARead more: What_are_the_4_ways_to_clear_the_accumulator_in_8085_microprocessors
LHLD 4000H : Get first 16-bit number in HLXCHG : Save first 16-bit number in DELHLD 4002H : Get second 16-bit number in HLMOV A, E : Get lower byte of the first numberSUB L : Subtract lower byte of the second numberMOV L, A : Store the result in L registerMOV A, D : Get higher byte of the first numberSBB H : Subtract higher byte of second number with borrowMOV H, A : Store l6-bit result in memory locations 4004H and 4005H.SHLD 4004H : Store l6-bit result in memory locations 4004H and 4005H.HLT : Terminate program execution.
A program which is used to count the number of numbers in an array using a 8085 microprocessor is known as a assembly language program.
program to find prime number in 8085 microprocessor
VHDL is a hardware description language. It describes the functionality of a hardware as a program. If we know the architecture of 8085, the same can be implemented or coded using VHDL.
in 8085 microprocessor a subroutine is a separate program written aside from main program ,this program is basically the program which requires to be executed several times in the main program. the microprocessor can call subroutine any time using CALL instruction . after the subroutine is executed the subbroutine hands over the program to main program using RET instruction.
sample program in sum of the series using the formula for s=n/2[2a+{n-1}d] in 8085
we want relay interface with 8085 and also attech the program
how to write a program for matrix multiplication in microprocesspr
Sp[[Q/Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix|Answer]]ell chec[[Q/Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix&action=edit&section=new|Answer it!]]k your answe[[Q/Discuss:Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix|Disc]][[help/answering questions|guidelin]]Spell check your answeresussionr[[help/signing in|full benefits]] Save C[[Q/Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix|Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 ]][[Q/Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix&action=edit&section=new|Answering 'Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix?']]matrix?ancel[[Q/How many animals are in West Texas|How many animals are in West Texas?]][[Q/How do you increase the number of four wheelers vehicles for servicing in a Service workshop|How do you increase the number of four wheelers vehicles for servicing in a]][[Q/How do you increase the number of four wheelers vehicles for servicing in a Service workshop|How do you increase the number of four wheelers vehicles for servicing in a Service workshop?]] Service workshop?[[Q/How do you increase the number of four wheelers vehicles for servicing in a Service workshop|How do you increase the number of four wheelers vehicles for servicing in a Service workshop?]]More Q&A
8085 is the developed version of 8080. due to the usage of +5v the 8085 was given to the developed version of 8080.
a number (1) because 8085+1=8086