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{| ! Event ! Date ! Time ! Years Ago | Big Bang Jan. 1 12:00 AM 15,000,000,000 yr CMB forms Jan. 1 12:10:30 AM 14,999,700,000 yr Galaxies form Jan. 24 12:00 AM 14,000,000,000 yr Sun forms Sept. 13 noon 4,500,000,000 yr Earth forms Sept. 13 12:17 PM 4,400,000,000 yr 1st life appears Oct. 24 8:48 PM 2,800,000,000 yr 1st higher forms Dec. 19 3:07 AM 570,000,000 yr 1st land animals Dec. 25 4:29 AM 280,000,000 yr 1st dinosaurs Dec. 26 12:36 PM 225,000,000 yr Dinos Rule! Dec. 28 4:34 PM 136,000,000 yr Dinos Die! Dec. 29 10:02 PM 65,000,000 yr Earliest "human" Dec. 31 9:05 PM 5,000,000 yr Neanderthal - CM Dec. 31 11:50 PM 300,000 yr Last Ice Age Dec. 31 11:59:37 PM 11,000 yr Pyramids Dec. 31 11:59:53 PM 3,500 yr USA Dec. 31 11:59:59.6 PM 220 yr You Dec. 31 11:59:59.96 PM 20 yr |} Earth is about 4.6 billion years old, so we can measure in millions of years, or billions of years. Depends what you are looking at.

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