the distance around a figure is called
The number of cubes that would fill a container is called the volume of the container. Volume is a measurement of the amount of space an object occupies in three-dimensional space. It is typically measured in cubic units, such as cubic centimeters or cubic meters, depending on the size of the container.
54,720 cubic inches is equivalent to 312/3 cubic feet or 236.88 gallons. It is also equal to 896,700 cc which is 896.7 liters. It's a measure of space, not water. You can put water or anything else in the space, or you can leave it empty. It's still the same amount of space.
The space inside that container is 24" x 24" x 24" = 13,824 cubic inches. That's 59.844 gallons of space, whether or not there's anything in it. A gallon is not an amount of water or gasoline or anything else. It's an amount of space, just like a cubic inch or a cubic foot is.
How do I calculate floor space of 600 sqare meters, and how do I calculate 600 cubic meters
the distance around a figure is called
Which refers to the number of cubic units inside a space figure?
The number of cubic units needed to fill the space occupied by a solid is called its volume. This volume measurement indicates how much space the solid takes up and can be calculated using the appropriate formula based on the shape of the solid (e.g., length x width x height for a rectangular prism).
The capacity or volume.
The space occupied by matter is called volume. It is a measure of the amount of three-dimensional space that an object or substance occupies. Volume can be measured in cubic units such as cubic centimeters or cubic meters.
The amount of space a rock takes up is called its volume. This can be measured in cubic units such as cubic centimeters or cubic inches.
The number of cubes that would fill a container is called the volume of the container. Volume is a measurement of the amount of space an object occupies in three-dimensional space. It is typically measured in cubic units, such as cubic centimeters or cubic meters, depending on the size of the container.
382 cubic inches of it.
The measure of the amount of space a solid figure is Volume
The answer depends on how large the given space is!
The measure of how much space an object occupies is called volume. It is usually measured in cubic units like cubic meters or cubic centimeters.