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Not quite. Number of combinations is 20, number of permutations is 10. Any 2 from 5 is 10 but in any order doubles this.

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Q: The number of permutations of 5 things taken 2 at a time is 20?
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How many ways can you arrange 7CDs on a shelf?

The number of permutations of 7 things taken 7 at a time is 7 factorial, or 5040.

What is the permutation of 5?

Permutations are the different arrangements of any number of objects. When we arrange some objects in different orders, we obtain different permutations.Therefore, you can't say "What is the permutation of 5?". To calculate permutations, one has to get the following details:The total number of objects (n) (necessary)The number of objects taken at a time (r) (necessary)Any special conditions mentioned in the question (optional).

How many combinations can be made from 32 items taken 4 at a time and how do you do it?

Do a web search for "permutations and combinations" to find the how. I make it 35,960.

If using numbers 0 through 9 how many different 6 digit combinations can be made?

They would be 000000 through 999999, and there would be 1 million possibilities, assuming you could use the digits multiple times. If you could only use the digits one time, and the order of the digits chosen matters, then that would be the number of permutations of 10 things taken 6 at a time, which is: 10! -------- = 151200 possibilities. (10-6)! If you are truly counting "combinations" where the order does not matter, (e.g. 123456 is considered the same as 531642), then this is the number of combinations of 10 things taken 6 at a time, which is: 10! --------------- = 210 possibilities. (10-6)! 6!

How many 3 letter arrangements are possible for the word bookkeeper?

Permutations of 10 letters taken 3 a time = 10 x 9 x 8 = 720

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Since the word MATH does not have any duplicated letters, the number of permutations of those letters is simply the number of permutations of 4 things taken 4 at a time, or 4 factorial, or 24.

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Since there are no duplicate letters in the word RAINBOW, the number of permutations of those letters is simply the number of permutations of 7 things taken 7 at a time, i.e. 7 factorial, which is 5040.

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The word MATHEMATICS has 11 letters. The number of permutations of 11 things taken 11 at a time is 11 factorial (11!), or 39,916,800.

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The number of permutations of the letters in the word SCHOOLS is the number of permutations of 7 things taken 7 at a time, which is 5040. However, since two of the letters, S and O, are duplicated, the number of distinct permutations is one fourth of that, or 1260.

How many ways can you arrange 7CDs on a shelf?

The number of permutations of 7 things taken 7 at a time is 7 factorial, or 5040.

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The number of permutations of five things taken five at a time is five factorial, or 120.

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The number of permutations of 13 things taken 13 at a time is 13 factorial, or 6,227,020,800.

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The number of permutations of 20 things taken 20 at a time is 20 factorial or 2,432,902,008,176,640,000.

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The number of different ways you can arrange the letters MNOPQ is the number of permutations of 5 things taken 5 at a time. This is 5 factorial, or 120.

How many different arrangements of 7 letters can be formed from the letters in the word ALGEBRA?

The number of 7 letter permutations of the word ALGEBRA is the same as the number of permutation of 7 things taken 7 at a time, which is 5040. However, since the letter A is duplicated once, you have to divide by 2 in order to find out the number of distinct permutations, which is 2520.

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The number of ways that the letter of the word CANADA can be arranged is simply the number of permutations of 6 things taken 6 at a time, which is 6 factorial, or 720. However, since the letter A is repeated twice, the number is distinct permutations is a factor of 4 less than that, or 180.

How many different 5 letter arrangements can be formed from the letters in the word Danny?

The number of 5 letter arrangements of the letters in the word DANNY is the same as the number of permutations of 5 things taken 5 at a time, which is 120. However, since the letter N is repeated once, the number of distinct permutations is one half of that, or 60.