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A few comments firstly.

* If the triangle were to be a right-angled one then K could equal sqrt(81 + 169) = 15.8.

* If K is equal to, or greater than 9 + 13 then it wouldn't be a triangle. * So if K > 15.8 then the angle opposite the it would be obtuse.

So, any value from among 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 , 21 and 22 would give an obtuse triangle

Furthermore, there is the 'other' triangle

* If the triangle were to be a right-angled one then K could equal sqrt(169 - 81) = 9.3

* If K is equal to, or less than 13 - 9 then it wouldn't be a triangle.

* So, if K > 4 the angle opposite 13 would be obtuse.

So, any value from among 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 would also give an obtuse triangle.

So the answer is 12 values.

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Q: The sides of a triangle have lengths 9 13 and 'k' where 'k' is an integer. For how many values of 'k' is the triangle obtuse?
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Which set of values could be the side lengths of a 30-60-90 triangle?

3, 4 and 5 units of length

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Is a triangle obtuse scalene or triangle?

The word 'Triangle' is a collective noun for different shaped triangles. They are ;- Equilateral(Acute) ; all sides are the same length , and all angles are 60 degrees. Isosceles (Can be Obtuse) ; two sides are the same length and two angles are equal. Right-angles (only Acute) ; one of the angles is a right angle(90 degrees) Scalene ; All sides are different length and all angles are different values. May be either acute of obtuse. For ALL triangles, on a plane surface, the sum of the interior angles is ALWAYS 180 degrees. NB For triangles drawn on a 3-dimensional surface, ( a sphere ; the Earth) the angles may add to 360 degrees.

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It can take only a finite number of values. These need not be integer values.

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A 128-bit register can store 2 128th (over 3.40 × 10 38th) different values. The range of integer values that can be stored in 128 bits depends on the integer representation used.

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