It is used to prove argument of Delaunay Triangulation by surfacing the concept of illegal edge.
The Pythagorean theorem uses the right triangle.
Architecture of buildings
thales philosophies
The basic proportionality theorem is an important tool for proving similarity tests such as SAS. It is used in comparison of similar triangles and finding their measurements.
Thales was not a chemist; important contributions in geometry and astronomy.
With his Geomentry Famous Thales Theorem
Thales of Miletus was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, and one of the Seven Sages of Greece.Best known for Water is the physis, Thales' theorem and the intercept theorem.
"thales" has given this bpt theorem.
basic proportionality theorem,also known as thales theorem
The theorem where a triangle inscribed in a circle is right if and only if one of the legs is a diameter.
While the historical record is unclear about precise influences, it seems likely that Thales of Miletus (circa 620-546 BC/BCE) had some impact on the thinking of the apparent discoverer of the Pythagorean Theorem, namely, Pythagoras (circa 570-495). Given the prestige of Thales in his day, along with his own careful research into mathematical theorems, it is reasonable to conclude that Pythagoras was inspired, and perhaps much more, by the mathematical work of Thales.
The Pythagorean theorem uses the right triangle.
In mathematics, Thales used geometry to solve problems such as calculating the height of pyramids and the distance of ships from the shore. He is credited with the first use of deductive reasoning applied to geometry, by deriving four corollaries to Thales' Theorem. As a result, he has been hailed as the first true mathematician and is the first known individual to whom a mathematical discovery has been attributed.[5]
Architecture of buildings
vipul thales