limitations of index numbers
1.there may be errors in choice of base period or quantities.
2.may give misleading conclusions if choice of the representatives is not done properly
Index form of 9765625 is 9.765625 × 106
840 = 23 x 3 x 5 x 7
Accounting is all math. Money is numbers.
It doesn't matter what you use, you still need at least two numbers to find a GCF.
what is the index of 3x3x3x3
disadvantages of index numbers
what are the problems associated with the construction of index numbers
merits and demerits of index number
Index form of 9765625 is 9.765625 × 106
Here's a start umbers=[True]*5001 index=2 primes=[] while index<5000: multiplier=2 while index*multiplier <= 5000: Numbers[index*multiplier]=False multiplier+=1 index+=1 while Numbers[index]==False and index < 5000: index+=1 for x in range(0,5000): if Numbers[x]==True: primes.append(x) x+=1 print primes
Index value is a phrase used to describe pairs of numbers that are arranged in a table. The purpose of this is so applications can match numbers.
what is mean by statistical approach and economical approach in the theory of index numbers?
When you are accessing an array's element.
Identifying array-elements.
The index of a book is an alphabetical listing of names and topics along with page numbers where they are discussed.