You can find the GCF and/or the LCM of a set of numbers by comparing the prime factorizations of the individual members of the set.
The least common multiple, or LCM, is the smallest integer that all the members of a given set of numbers will divide into evenly with no remainder.
You're probably thinking of the LCM. The least common multiple, or LCM, is the smallest positive integer that all the members of a given set of numbers will divide into evenly with no remainder.
The least common multiple, or LCM, is the smallest positive integer that all the members of a given set of numbers will divide into evenly with no remainder.
The greatest common factor, or GCF, is the largest positive integer that will divide evenly with no remainder into all the members of a given set of numbers. The least common multiple, or LCM, is the smallest positive integer that all the members of a given set of numbers will divide into evenly with no remainder. Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.
The LCM is: 375The LCM is: 375
The LCM of a set of prime numbers is their product.
The LCM of a set of numbers can never be smaller than the largest number in the set.
The LCM is not defined for any set of numbers that contains a zero.
The LCM will never be less than the GCF of a set of numbers.
The LCM of two numbers will never be less than the GCF.
The LCM is: 630
The LCM is: 168
The LCM is: 72
The LCM is: 630
The LCM is: 13,178