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Q: What are the total measure of all angles of a pentagon?
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What has 5 angles and five sides that do not all measure the same?

A shape with five angles and five sides that do not all measure the same is an irregular pentagon. A regular pentagon has all five sides and angles the same size.

You are a polygon. All of your angles have the same measure. Each of your 5 sides has the same measure. What are you?

A regular pentagon.

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When a pentagon has two angles that measure 145 and 74 and the other angles are all congruent what are their measurements?

The measurement for the other three angles are 107 degrees.

Pentagon with 3 right angles?

A pentagon with 3 right angles is considered to be an irregular pentagon because not all angles and all sides are equal.

Is an equilateral pentagon regular?

No, but a regular pentagon is equilateral. Equilateral means that all sides are congruent (equal in measure); to be regular, all angles also have to be congruent.

The sum of the interior angles of a pentagon is 540 degrees What is the measure of each angle of the Pentagon?

If the pentagon is regular all you need do is divide 540 by 5. If it isn't regular, we can't help.

A pentagon with all sides congrent?

is a regular pentagon if all its angles are congruent and is a general pentagon if they are not.

You are a polygon all your sides are equal each of your angles measure 108 degrees what are you?

You are a regular five sided pentagon.

Are all the interior angles of a pentagon equal?

Only if it is a regular pentagon. The pentagon is in the shape of an equal legged pentagon, but, due to human error, the pentagon's interior angles may not all be exactly equal.

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How does the measure of an angle help you classify shapes?

In triangles the angles can be all sorts of measurement but the three angles always add to 180 degrees. In quadrilaterals the angles usually measure to 90degrees in all four corners. But in things line trapezoids and parallelograms the angles differ. In a pentagon the angles are 120 degrees. All five of them.