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Q: What did the number line say to the student?
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If a line has no y-intercept what can you say about the line?

-- I can say that the equation of the line is [ x = a number ]. -- I can also say that the line is vertical on a graph. -- I can also say that the line is parallel to the y-axis. -- Also that it's perpendicular to the x-axis.

What is the definition of absoloute value?

A simple definition is that the absolute value of a number is how many places away from zero it is on a number line. Say you have the number three. The number three is three places away from zero on a number line. Say you have the number negative three. That number is also three spots away from zero on the number line. That is why there is no such thing as negative absolute values.

What does point on the line mean?

A line is made up of a large (infinite) number of points. When we say a point is on a line, we mean that it is one of the pints that form the line.

How do you say the word student in German?


Is Nick Jonas number 818-748-8887?

no. its their hot mail line. people just say its their number. i have it and called it and it even said its the hot line.

How do you say student ID in Spanish?

student id

How do you say im a student in German?

i'm a student = "Ich bin Student."

What is the missing number in the sequence?

What is the missing number in the sequence is a Math question under the Sequences lesson. In this type of question, a line of numbers is listed with one or more numbers missing, so that the student has to work out what the number is.

What is student support services of open university of UK?

Student support services of Open University in the UK is student support services in the on line environment. They include on line academic advising, on line orientation, 24 hour help desk and site support.

What is the student enrollment (in the total number of students)?

“What is the student enrollment (in the total number of students)?”

How do you say high school student in French?

In French, you say "lycéen" for a male high school student and "lycéenne" for a female high school student.

What is the ratio of student and teacher ratios in ucla?

The ratio of student and teacher ratios in ucla must be done as follows .First find out the number of Student in ucla.Then , find out the number of teacher in ucla.The, divide the number of Student and the number of teacher.