We have literally no idea what you mean. Calculation of a volume of what? Which measured numbers? Your question, as it stands, is nonsense.
If you mean cc as in from a motorbike it stands for centimetres cubed. It is a unit of Volume. 1 cc = 1 ml
Liter is a measure of volume; cm. of length; those two are quite different things.If you mean cm3, a liter is equal to 1000 cm3 (or mililiters).Liter is a measure of volume; cm. of length; those two are quite different things.If you mean cm3, a liter is equal to 1000 cm3 (or mililiters).Liter is a measure of volume; cm. of length; those two are quite different things.If you mean cm3, a liter is equal to 1000 cm3 (or mililiters).Liter is a measure of volume; cm. of length; those two are quite different things.If you mean cm3, a liter is equal to 1000 cm3 (or mililiters).
Volume in art means like how much space or cubic units their are. If it's a lot, or even in some cases if it's dark or light.
What do matter mass and volume mean
the volume of mean: the total average
volume responsibility
the volume of water means CA
What does volume mean on newsletters? Volume 1, Issue 5. When does it become volume 2?
It refers to the volume of an object at the start of an experiment.
Question is not clear...what do you mean?
It is a measurement of volume using units from the metric system.
Yikes! Can you give some measurements? What do you mean by the volume - the volume of the wood used?
do you mean Volume