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In mathematics, index form refers to expressing a number as a base raised to a power. For example, in the expression 5^3, 5 is the base and 3 is the index or exponent. This notation indicates that 5 is multiplied by itself 3 times, resulting in the value of 125. Index form is commonly used in algebra and arithmetic to represent repeated multiplication efficiently.

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11y ago

Index form in math means exponents.

For example: 2x2x2x2x2x2 will be changed to 2 to the 6th power (2 with the little 6 on the top right.)

Hope i helped.☺♥

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"index" is the singular form - "indices" is the plural :)

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Indices (not indicies) have two meanings: one is powers. In the expression x3, the 3 is an index. The second meaning is a counter. If you have five observations and they are labelled X1, X2, ... , X5 then the numbers in Xn is an index.

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The possessive form of "index" is "index's." For example, "the index's values are displayed in alphabetical order."

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Index (plural indices).

What does index mean in maths?

hey i am Kayla and i will be answering your question! it helps you find pages or what ever your looking for any more questions just leave them down below thank you! :)

What is the short form for Mathematics?

In the UK it is maths, in the US, math.

What is the plural form for index?

The plural form of index is indices.

How do you spell index in plural form?

The plural form for the noun index is indexes.