Killing floor refers to the slaughtering room of an abattoir, a slaughter house, where animals were brought to be killed and cut up. Particularly in the Chicago Stockyards area where many black newcomers from the South found jobs during the 20's, 30's and 40's working on the killing floors
The expression 5(10x10) relate to 10x10 in that it is 5 times 10 x 10.
There are a couple: (1+SQRT(5))/2 1/(2*cos(72)) (degrees only)
You evaluate the expression !! :)
In realistic sketches, the items in the sketch need to look like they do in real life. For this reason, proportion is important, both for individual items and items as they relate to other items on the sketch. For example, you would not want a very large glass with a tiny person holding it, or a person whose arms touched the floor.
The duration of The Killing Floor is 1.57 hours.
The Killing Floor was created on 2007-05-21.
The expression 5(10x10) relate to 10x10 in that it is 5 times 10 x 10.
To buy the game Killing Floor (or atleast one way to buy it) is to make a Steam account which is free. Then search the store for Killing Floor can do the rest probably.
Killing Floor - Bruce Dickinson song - was created in 1998.
Yes, I do suppose that Silent Hill does have those sort-of affects that could relate to some other games that are like that.
Killing Floor - Howlin' Wolf song - was created in 1964-08.
This could have a number of meanings, none likely to involve any violence. The dream probably dramatizes the expression, "She's killing me!" This might describe a terrific joke or hilarious behavior. Alternatively, it can describe intense disappointment and betrayal. Again, it can relate to competition, as is, "She's killing me in tennis." Or it might have monetary meaning: "She made a killing in the stock market." One more comes to mind - she may be so beautiful that "she's killing me!" In all of these possibilities, the dream takes a figurative expression and presents it as a literal, concrete act.
The cast of Killing Floor - 2009 includes: Marianne Graffam as versch. Frauen Deutsche Version
It is the area within a slaughter house used for the killing of animals.