Any fraction with a denominator which has a prime factorization that includes any prime other than 2 or 5, it can produce repeating decimals.
If the prime factorization of the denominator does not include 2 nor 5 then the decimal representation will be a repeating decimal.
A repeating decimal is a decimal that, well, repeats itself! Like .33333333333333....... The threes never end, they just keep going. Non-reapeting are decimals like .5 or .3 or .57. They end! :)
The decimal digits of Pi never end; they continue infinitely. The digits also will never repeat. These are characteristics of irrational numbers. Rational numbers have decimal fractions that either come to an exact end, or they fall at some point into an infinitely repeating pattern. 1/5 equals .25 exactly, and 1/3 has a repeating decimal fraction of .3333_. So far pi has been calculated out to at least 2.7 trillion decimal places, and since irrational numbers go on for infinitely many decimal places, we are nowhere near the end (and never will be, however hard we try). To keep things in perspective, by the time you reach 6 or 8 decimal places, you have pi to a tolerance good enough for almost any application we could ever imagine using on a practical level. If we ever need more decimal places than 8, we can go to the above calculation where there are a few waiting in the wings.
if used in a decimal it means that the number it is over is repeating ex) 27.33333333333333 instead you could write 27.3 with a line over the 3
It could be what is known as an "irrational number", which is a kind of real number. Alternatively, and at a rather advanced level, it could be a number which is not even a real number.
They could be fractions in which the numerator or the denominator, or both, are complex numbers.
If it ends in a decimal, then it must be a whole number. Repeating could be ruled out immediately because even though theoretically it could be a thought of as a repeating decimal with infinite zeros repeating, adding zeros doesn't change the quantity and you could in theory add infinite zeros to the end of ANY decimal. That does not make it repeating.
You could write it as 88.9 with the 9 repeating.
It's an oxymoron.A decimal is either terminating or repeating. It can't be both.or it could be in the third category of integors.
We ususally stop on the thousandths but 3 hits out of 10 at bats could be considered a repeating decimal.
It could either be a terminating decimal or the decimal representation of an irrational number.
16 cannot become a decimal. only fractions can become decimals. 16 is a whole number. The closest you could get to a decimal would be 16.0
No, it is not.
It could be, but it could also be 1.1211211211211211211222 which is terminating or it could continue in a non-repeating fashion. From the information given in the question it is not possible to tell.
No. (Though you could express it in decimal form, as 1.285714285714..., a repeating non-terminating decimal.)
As written it is a terminating decimal. However, if the digits 123456789101112 keep on repeating after the amount written (normally it would be written with a dot over the first 1 and the last 2; as that is impossible here, to show repeating an ellipsis (three dots) could be used, as in: 0.123456789101112123456789101112... to show that it goes on) then it is a repeating decimal.
They could be 3, 6, 7 or 9.
the decimal 0.33333333333 is a repeating decimal, the number 3 is recurring (which means that it is repeatedly occurring) and as a fraction this could be written as 1/3