Name 8 decimal numbers between 4.78 and 4.79
The name for decimal 0.800 is eight hundred thousandths. It is also referred to as point eight in informal circumstances.
A decimal fraction is called such because it can be represented by a fraction with a denominator with a power of 10.
six tenths
0.008 is equivalent to 8/1000, which can be reduced to 1/125.
no 0.0008 is 0.0005 more than 0.0003 .00030 = 0.00030 = 0.0003
It can be any type of measure.
.0008 gaze
It is a terminating decimal.
Tn09 vv 0008
eight ten thousandths of a meter
the code is 8133B176 0008
A terminating decimal.