410 inches --------fraction--------> 410/1 Inches
0747 inches = 747 inches is an integer, not a fraction.
It is 3149606299/10000000000 inches.
.56 inches is 56 one-hundredths of an inch. Also expressed as 56/100 as a fraction.
123.45679 written as a fraction is 12345679/100000.
It is 525/1 inches.
Not necessarily. The conversion factor from feet to inches is 12.
To express 165 inches as a fraction of an inch, we need to convert it to a single unit. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, and 12 feet in a yard, we can convert 165 inches to 13 feet and 9 inches. Therefore, 165 inches is equivalent to 13 9/12 inches or 13 3/4 inches as a fraction.
410 inches --------fraction--------> 410/1 Inches
As a fraction, it is 275/1 inches.
To convert 5 feet 6 inches to a fraction, first convert the feet to inches by multiplying by 12 (since 1 foot = 12 inches). So, 5 feet is equal to 60 inches. Then, add the 6 inches to get a total of 66 inches. Therefore, 5 feet 6 inches is equal to 66 inches, which can be written as the fraction 66/1.
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0747 inches = 747 inches is an integer, not a fraction.
It is in inches: .229 equals 229/1000 as a fraction
1.77 inches as a fraction is 1 77/100 of in inch/
It is: 781/500 inches as an improper fraction in its lowest terms