

What is 5y - 1 if y 3?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is 5y - 1 if y 3?
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-3 Solution Method: ------------------ 1. Clarify the problem: What is the y-intercept of 6x-5y=15? 2. Recall what the "y-intercept" is: "the y-intercept is the y coordinate when the x value = 0 or the b value in the slope-intercept form (y = mx + b (b=the y-intercept value)) of the point-slope equation (y - y1 = m(x-x1). 3. Input the x coordinate into the equation & find the y value: 6(0)-5y=15 0-5y=15 -1/5 * -5y = 15 * -1/5 y = - 3 (this is your y-intercept value) OR when (y = mx + b), then b = the y-intercept value) 6x - 5y = 15 -6x - 5y = -6x + 15 -5y = -6x + 15 -1/5 * 5y = (-6x + 15) * -1/5 y = 6/5x - 3 (-3 = the y-intercept value) ================ A2. I am assuming you mean 6x - 5y = 15. Since the y intercept is at x=0, plugging x=0 into the equation gives 6(0)-5y=15. Since 6(0)=0, this gives -5y=15. Dividing both sides by -5 gives y=-3. Remember, the y-intercept is a point, so, since x=0, the point is (0,-3). A1?: ---------------------- Another way ---------------------- The equation is 6x - 5y = 15 The equation for graphing a line is y = mx + b where b is the y-intercept. Try to get it in this form - 6x - 5y = 15 (Add 5y on both sides) 6x = 15 + 5y (Subtract 15 from both sides) 6x - 15 = 5y (Since we need to get a single y, divide both sides by 5) (6x)/5 - (15)/5 = (5y)/5 (Simplify) 6/5x - 3 = y Therefore, the slope is 6/5 and the y intercept is -3. Good luck!