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Q: What is Example of bounded sequence which is not Cauchy sequence?
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Is every cauchy sequence is convergent?

Every convergent sequence is Cauchy. Every Cauchy sequence in Rk is convergent, but this is not true in general, for example within S= {x:x€R, x>0} the Cauchy sequence (1/n) has no limit in s since 0 is not a member of S.

Any convergent sequence is a Cauchy sequence is converse true?

no converse is not true

What Show that 1/2n is a cauchy sequence?


What is a cauchy sequence?

(xn) is Cauchy when abs(xn-xm) tends to 0 as m,n tend to infinity.

What does cauchy constant tells us?

The Cauchy constant, also known as the Cauchy sequence property, tells us that a sequence is convergent if it is a Cauchy sequence. This means that for any arbitrarily small positive number ε, there exists an index after which all elements of the sequence are within ε distance of each other. It is a key property in the study of convergence in mathematics.

Show that any subsequence of a Cauchy sequence, is couchy?

i don’t know I am Englis

Prove that every convergent sequence is a Cauchy sequence?

The limits on an as n goes to infinity is aThen for some epsilon greater than 0, chose N such that for n>Nwe have |an-a| < epsilon.Now if m and n are > N we have |an-am|=|(am -a)-(an -a)|< or= |am -an | which is < or equal to 2 epsilor so the sequence is Cauchy.

Examples of bounded and not convergent sequence?


Every uniformly convergent sequence of bounded function is uniformly bounded?

The answer is yes is and only if da limit of the sequence is a bounded function.The suficiency derives directly from the definition of the uniform convergence. The necesity follows from making n tend to infinity in |fn(x)|

Let B10 be the open unit ball in R2 centered about 0 Does every continuous function from B10 to R take cauchy sequences to cauchy sequences what about if B10 is a closed ball?

Let f(x)=1/|1-x| which is continuous on the open ball yet the Cauchy sequence (xn) = (1-1/n) provides a counter example since f(xn)=n. The closed ball however does have the property thanks to its completeness.

What is the population of Estrée-Cauchy?

Estr&eacute;e-Cauchy's population is 321.

What is Sauchy-Cauchy's population?

The population of Sauchy-Cauchy is 407.