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a log is the 'undo-er' of powers, kind of like division is the 'undo-er' of multiplication. EX: 102 = 100, then log10(100) = 2 103 = 1000, then log10(1000) = 3, in this example, we are using log base 10, this is a default base and sometimes isn't even wirten. e is probably the most common base but log base e is more simply called the natural log, or ln. so in general: logx(m) = N means that xN = m so log5(125) = 3 because 53 = 125.

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Q: What is a log in Math?
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You can't solve this since it isn't an equation.There is also an ambiguity (it's hard to write math on a typewriter keyboard) - are we talking about log(x3) or maybe logx(3)?Restate the question: Simplify log(x3)Answer: 3log(x)You could explain this by saying: log(x3) = log[(x)(x)(x)] = logx + logx + logx = 3logx. The general rule is log(xn) = nlogx.

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YOU GO MATH BLASTER YOUR LOGIN NAME WILL BE ON THE LEFT then at the right top corner click log out next at the same corner click register and the sreen will have the register stuff for you and that is how you you register for math blaster. Your Welcomw Everybody who needs help registering for math blaster.!

Where can you find math makes sense book online?

You may find it at this link frankly though :l You need the teacher to log you on so when you forget your math textbook wich I have done :( it doesn't work to well

How is maple timber logged?

It requires math to figure out how maple timber is logged. You actually need to know an equation known as "log scales."