the unit digit is the last digit from left or ones digit
The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.
The hundreds digit is 2; the tens digit is 5; the ones digit is 8; the tenths digit is 1; the hundredths digit is 7; the thousandths digit is 6.
84.42 or 42.21
The units digit of a two digit number exceeds twice the tens digit by 1. Find the number if the sum of its digits is 10.
9 digit red number
what do you mean
69 69 6
The first digit denotes where the motorcycle was produced (example: J for Japan) The eighth digit represents whether the bike will receive a green or a red sticker( the letter "c" or the number "3" will receive red anything else will be green The tenth digit shows the year of the motorcycle 1=2001 2=2002 and so on
The 17 digit VIN will be stamped on the neck of the frame near the headlight.
100000000*first digit+10000000*second digit+1000000*third digit+100000*fourth digit+10000*fifth digit+1000*sixth digit+100*seventh digit+10*eightth digit+1*nineth digit
the unit digit is the last digit from left or ones digit
4082 Since the tens digit is 2 times the thousand digit, it must be an even digit. So it can be 8, 6, 4, or 2. But, the thousands digit is 4 greater than the hundred digit. So that the hundred digit must be 0, the thousands digit must be 4, the hundreds digit must be 8, and the ones digit must be 2.
the leading digit
I am a four digit number. My tens digit is 2 more than my ones digit. My hundreds and thousands digit are both 1 less than my ones digit. What number can i be?